Space Patrol (Taito 1978)

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  • #115465

      Another B2S backglass for a Taito’s 70’s TTL table


      Space Patrol (Taito 1978), starting from a really ruined image: full of strong light reflexes, small ruined parts and most of all low resolution, but it is a really rare table so this is the best (and only) image Carlos could find and send me.

      I had to redraw it all from scratches.

      Thanks God original graphic is quite basic (solid colors with few shadows and shades). Anyway a long work.


      As for all TTL Taito’s B2S made before, this one looks digital but works as EM (rare table, rom lost), and it has all elements ready to work (coin counters, match numbers, lights) that needs B2S EM commands inside table script to work properly.


      Inside zip file a preview image and Wheel logo too.

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