Suggestion for sticker

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  • #13244
    Patrick Delage

      Hello, my cab is almost finish, well playable !!! Now, i like to put some sticker on it. Probably not the good name in english ;)

      Any site you know where i can order picture to put on both side of my cabinet ?

      Note : i have mid size, no standard size. And don’t care if it’s not original picture.

      Hope my question is understandable !

      Thanks in advance

      Envoyé de mon LG-D801 en utilisant Tapatalk

      Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

      Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming


        Email brad, he is a professional printer that also has done 1000’s of pincabs and mame cabs! his work is the best ive seen.
        his contact info:
        great guy to work with.

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Patrick Delage

          Superb, thanks

          Envoyé de mon LG-D801 en utilisant Tapatalk

          Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

          Pinaball, arcade and retro gaming

          Printer, Gamer, Pinball Enthusiast

            Thanks randr for the plug! Just found this site and I’ll be posting my information very soon. I do digital printing for pinball and arcades machines on the side. I have been contributing to the community for about 5 years. If anyone needs artwork please email me at

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