Top Gun Mod

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  • #150868

      Top Gun

      This one’s for the Top Gun fans.
      One liners, 80’s music and big hair!
      Parents: Rated PG for mild language

      v1.0b Beta test

      The table is a MOD based on JP’s Taito Space Shuttle.
      Thanks to JP Salas for permission to do this.
      FS Cab table (Desktop works, however I need  to adjust some lighting to look better in Desktop)


      STEP 1:

      • Ensure Pinup system is working properly prior to installation
      • Requires the ‘sshuttle’ ROM in order to run
      • Requires VPX 10.6+
      • PUP Pack: Add the [TopGun] folder to PUP videos
      • The ‘sshuttle’ folder in PUP videos must be empty
      • Turn your volume down a touch before running (some might consider this loud…it’s fine for me)

      STEP 2:

      Nb. Due to the ‘continue’ power failure feature of TAITO roms, there’s a known bug that can cause havoc with gameplay.

      Before running first time and to be safe, reset the game ROM (you should only need to do this once, unless you’re having problems)

      • Load game
      • press ‘Home’ key once
      • press ‘7’ key once
      • press ‘F3’ twice

      *** Installation Issues/Problems:
      If you are having problems running this table, try the following:

      – delete the [nvram] and [cfg] files from the vpinmame folder
      – delete the [sshuttle] rom from your roms folder
      – download and install a brand new [sshuttle] rom


      • drag this to ‘DMD’ in pinup popper setup / Media Manager (not required for game to run, but looks good)

      So long as you don’t have a TAITO space shuttle PUP pack installed (none currently exist), the table should work fine.

      To avoid potential Space Shuttle conflicts with scores, backglass etc. I suggest you run the Williams Space Shuttle which is basically the same table, except using a different ROM (sshuttle_l7) – eg. Bord’s Space Shuttle


      Under Player Options in the script, raise or lower the value (100 is maximum volume), compile when done and save table.

      soundtrackvol = 80


      GAMEPLAY Notes:

      T O P G U N bonus is achieved by lighting the words Top Gun only.

      Hitting the centre drop target will light the ‘Star’ which kills the possibility of getting the bonus. Another level of difficulty.
      Locked balls – other players can steel all your hard work and unlock your multi-ball in turn.
      If you don’t see a favourite quote it’s probably because you haven’t hit the acquired bonus, ramp or combo.
      Some of these are activated randomly, whereas ‘more special’ scenes are locked in for difficult bonuses.


      This is in beta, so there are bugs:

      • Turning music down for PUP activations is timed to 9 seconds. If anyone knows of a way to check video lengths in realtime to update volume dimming dynamically please let me know
      • more than 1 player may kill the music (mainly p3, p4)
      • topgun bonus when lit for extended periods (although highly unlikely) will lower music volume for 9 seconds
      • some erroneous PUP activation bugs with Ball lock and MultiBall


      Table NOTES:

      I’ve changed the game slightly (or a lot depending on your viewpoint) from the shuttle original, mainly the right ramp addition, to speed up game play, table angle and bumper speeds to make gameplay more dynamic in keeping with the Top Gun theme.

      The game is intentionally quicker as it’s a 5 ball credit. Fast drains are common.

      I chose the original table (1984) because the style fits the time frame of the movie (within a couple of years).

      The lighting overkill and some of my sound effects are intentional to work with the whole Hollywood theme, also makes the playfield more dynamic in keeping with the movie.

      I did think of modding the F14 table originally, however that’s already a great fighter jet themed table so I didn’t want to mess with it.


      • the gurus who took time to answer some rudimentary scripting questions
      • ScottyWic for the orbital pinball framework and tutorials (and chilloutthemusic)
      • LynnInDenver for the awesome score routine, exactly what I needed.
      • everyone who posted positive comments to keep me motivated on this.


      *** This is a fan based Top Gun virtual pinball table concept for personal use and created as a proof of concept, based on the ‘Top Gun’ movie.

      All credits, images and movie clips belong to Paramount Pictures and Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films. Music by Columbia Records used in the film Top Gun.


      Never take advice from me,
      you'll end up drunk.

      Never take advice from me,
      you'll end up drunk.

      Total of 39 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.

        This looks brilliant.  Bord’s SS has become one of my favorite tables and I see you did something with the dead-end ramp.  Yes!!  Unfortunately I have yet to install popper and not sure I will.  But this build might motivate me at some point down the road.  Post a game-play vid, would love to see/hear this!  Thanks for the tons of work that went into this.


          I just did a quick test run and it does indeed look brilliant.  Nice work!


          Update – I love the HUD combiner glass on the pinup backglass =)

          - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet

          - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet


            I hate the movie but your mod looks amazing. :good:

            It fits the theme perfectly.


              Nice Table thx!! Just wondering my regular dmd is not doing anything is it suppose to be like that? I know we can use the included dmd overlay and just keep on in pinup.


                MOD is superb!  Great table and excellent sound.  How can I add a Top Gun standard image (1920×1080) to my separate topper screen?


                  Looks and plays totally awesome :) Thank you for this beauty :)


                    Nice Table thx!! Just wondering my regular dmd is not doing anything is it suppose to be like that? I know we can use the included dmd overlay and just keep on in pinup.

                    Thanks. I need to create DMD support later (kind of ran out of time on account of spending too much time on sound effects and bugs). For now I just supplied the static logo. Once all the bugs are sorted, DMD would be awesome :good:

                    I’ll add Topper to my list. Sorry I don’t use one, so totally overlooked that.

                    Never take advice from me,
                    you'll end up drunk.

                    Never take advice from me,
                    you'll end up drunk.


                      Been looking forward to this mod. Preview looks better than what I expected. Will fire it up when I’m back from work today. Thank you very much ! :good:

                      1 user thanked author for this post.

                        Nice work. Really apreciate it. Thanks for sharing. AWESOME.


                          Looks very good, nice work! However, pup-pack videos do not get in the way. Are these files missing by accident? playlists.pup, screens.pup, triggers.pup
                          My PinUp settings are, in principle, all right with the current version. The other pup pack boards load nicely. What did I do wrong?

                          Thank you in advance for your help.


                            Thank you for your hard work on this beautiful table. I’ve been desperately trying to start a game but can’t get past the coin up portion. The instructions on how to reset the rom don’t seem to work for me…. ? Wondering if anyone could suggest to look next.


                              THX for the table, reminds me of my youth :-)

                              Had to copy a BG from an other table, otherwise there was a fault because of the missing dbs.Sounds mutes sometimes, guess it has something to do with the pup files.

                              Anyway, nice table, thanks for that one


                                Great Mod, thank you.


                                  Try deleting the nvram and cfg files from the vpinmame folder and reload the table


                                    Very well done!!!!

                                    Playfield colors are amazing, videos are crystal clear and the vibration from my SSF setup are unbelievable!!!!

                                    I really appreciate your work!!!!!


                                      AMAZING!!!  The dream table!!!  Perfect movie theme, gameplay and music!!!  Thank you sooo much zimbakin!!!

                                      Iceman: “You can be my wingman any time.”


                                        great job on the PuP backglass work.  Videos are well done and scoring labels working well…


                                          Awsome table. Are you going to do mod/make anymore tables?


                                            Try deleting the nvram and cfg files from the vpinmame folder and reload the table

                                            Tried it but unfortunately still does not work for me :-(

                                            Thank you for the help anyway, appreciate it.

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