transfer config files

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  • #188275


      I built my cabinet about 5 years ago. My motherboard just went bad so I have built a new computer with a new c: drive & starting over. I still have the old drive mounted & can access the files from there.

      I have a ledwiz & sainsmart (sp?) controlling led’s & solenoids, I dont have a record of whats connected to what :(

      Is if possible to use the old config files to program the dof config tool so I dont have pull everything apart & trace wires?




        I might be wrong there, since I still haven’t been as naked as your describe. But, ok. for all the vp stuff. Just copy the files from back to the same path as it as before. Then restore your registry backup from \\hkcu\software\freeware\ – then login to dof and download your configs that you put into your config folder – hard linked into plugins folder, and whatever you’ve backed up.

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