Tv or Computer screen for playfield?

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  • #129604

      Next step is to upgrade my playfield monitor to 4K , but when it comes to the choice of screen. What should i go for?

      I have 2 options TV or COMPUTER SCREEN.

      1. PHILLIPS 4k/IPS BDM4350UC (Computer screen)

      2. LG 4K/UHD UK6950 (TV)

      This will be running by an RTX2080 card 11gig

      What are your suggestions? Or do you have any other suggestion that i should go for. (Max budget $1500)

      I guess if i take the TV, i have to remove the backpart and other things i guess since i have 4 cm space, and this is 8cm deep.


        Definitely option 1.  You will thank yourself, believe me.  I am using a Philips 4k monitor myself and I absolutely love it.  My tables have never looked so amazing, and the latency of the display is way lower than any TV.

        - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet

        - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet

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