Twilight Zone (Bally 1993)

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  • #21472
    Ben Logan2

      Been playing this one for HOURS around our place. This table and a couple other recent releases even have my nine year interested in VP once again – and he’s a tough customer!

      Awesome teamwork on this release guys. The result is killer. So much fun to play. This one looks really good as a dark table. Thanks to everyone involved!


        Hi ninuzzu, where can I found the new version with the very good new sidewalls?


          nFozzy sended me a version with the real subway and real holes, hopefully preventing some random crashes.

          I have to put the changes in the latest version (lot of script changes) and then upload the file.



            Great, great table.  There is so much going on and I have been playing for hours.  So much fun, thank you!

            I did see a strange thing happen (only happened once), where the ball went straight through the left flipper and drained.  I haven’t see this since, but wanted to mention it.

            I can’t figure how to attach screenshots on this forum, otherwise I would have, showing the exact location of this ball drain through the flipper.


              Great table guys… Thank you


                Here is a picture of the area where the ball drained straight through the left flipper.  Again, only saw it happen once, but wanted to let you know.

                Awesome table!


                  looking fantastic. Playing really well also. Appreciate the work you are putting into this and all your other tables Ninuzzu


                    Is this for vp10 or 10.1? I have seen some newer tables that 10.1 is needed.


                      I build and test tables using the 10.0

                      If I build it using the beta 10.1 , I’ll let you know in the description ;)


                        How to change ball image in TW? Standard precedure doesnt work ;)



                          If you are using the official release  you need to go to line 163 and change the ballnname.

                          For example you set a new texture for the ball in the editor, the texture is named “SteelBall.png” .

                          Now open the script and go to line 163, change it to

                          Const Ball2 = “SteelBall”


                          I also posted a debug  1.1 version in the WIP thread,  check it out guys when you have the time.



                            thanks again for this great table!! i have already asked in the wip thread, but maybe it is more likely to get Response over here. when the gumball is loaded i get a terribly intesive Shaker Response.. sounds like my cabinet wants to blow up. i have also read, that the gumball is vpm controlled (not familiar with scripts). in dof config tool i set max. Shaker intensity to 14, which is already intense on my WOZ Shaker. the vpm controlled gumball seems to ignore the Limit and fires at full throttle. could you kindly look after that? my wife is killing me if i wake up the Kids again with this Shaker ;-) best regards!!


                              LOL your wife is right :D

                              Sorry I don’t have access to the WIP threads, problems with the site I guess.

                              Anyway I can’t help you because I don’t have DOF, maybe arngrim could help you, he’s the DOF guy.

                              I can only tell you that when the gumball machine is loaded, there is no shaker sound in the script, only a motor sound; I’m sorry I can’t help you.

                              1 user thanked author for this post.

                                He posted here.(link below) @ninuzzu you should have access to wip threads :) no limits here

                                TZ FP to VPX WIP

                                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                for IOS and Android


                                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                for IOS and Android



                                  Randr, I still can’t access to the others wips, I can only access them if someone replies or sends me the link like you did.

                                  I tried this


                                  And this

                                  Visual Pinball Table WIP’S

                                  but they don’t work


                                  @Elbster: do you have the shaker issue with the debug version or with the official 1.0 version of TZ?


                                    @ninuzzu Sounds like you need to clear cache? what happens when you go to link ?

                                    can you send screenshot?

                                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                    for IOS and Android


                                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                    for IOS and Android



                                      Nevermind, it works now, I cleared the cache, thanks for the hint


                                        setting SHAKER: ……/S24/……. to ……./S24 I32/….. in arngrims dof config tool does the trick.

                                        best regards!!


                                          @ninuzzu: it was the official 1.0 but as the dof mapping applies to tz in General i think the issue will be in any tz that uses the dof. People just don’t notice because they have weak Shakers :-) i tried to contact arngrim but could not send him a pm. maybe he reads here? best regards!!


                                            oups, i don’t come here often, wait for the tapatalk fix :)

                                            thanks, i fixed it, i put I28 for shaker effects without duration, because we don’t know how much the effect can last, so it’s a little bit less powerful

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