Unable to run fullscreen playing field on VPX/Visual Pinball

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  • #206747

      I’m pulling my hair out here. Not matter what I do my playing field shows up sideways (desktop mode) on my backglass. I can go into Visual Pinball editor and set the playfield to Fullscreen, but as soon as I re-start Visual Pinball I’m back to the playing field back in desktop mode. I even fully un-installed Visual Pinball, removed all Registy entries and installed from scratch and it still doesn’t work. I’m have no idea what to do now.


        I’m pulling my hair out here. Not matter what I do my playing field shows up sideways (desktop mode) on my backglass. I can go into Visual Pinball editor and set the playfield to Fullscreen, but as soon as I re-start Visual Pinball I’m back to the playing field back in desktop mode. I even fully un-installed Visual Pinball, removed all Registy entries and installed from scratch and it still doesn’t work. I’m have no idea what to do now.

        VP 10.6 - 10-4-2020_setting 4K-TV

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