understanding LTD Vbs doc and keys

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  • #206629

      I am trying to play Columbia LTD and there are a couple Taito tables that use button 4 and 5 for coin in.  I have mune on the cab set to 3.  I went into the LTD Vbs doc and this is what it has:

      ‘ LTD System 4 Data
      ‘ Cabinet switches
      Const swSelfTest = 9
      Const swTilt = 18
      Const swCoin3 = 13
      Const swCoin2 = 14
      Const swStartButton = 17
      Const swEnter = 10

      Const swLRFlip = 82
      Const swLLFlip = 84

      Coin 2 and 3 is 13 and 14.  What are the 13 and 14??  it is assigning it to button 4&5.  if i change it to 12 then it uses button 5.  In the VPM keys VBS it says:

      ‘Key codes that can be used in the mappings below:

      ‘2   3     L SHIFT    42
      ‘3   4     L WIN     219
      ‘4   5    M        50
      ‘5   6    MINUS      12
      ‘6 7 MULTIPLY 55


      which i am aware of for using in the script.  can someone help me understand the LTD vbs?


        For kicks. Does it work for you to use ltd3.vbs instead ?


          not sure but i checked a table that uses that one and 3 works for coin.  just about to go to bed but i can try it tomorrow


            this are rom IDs do not change them

            ‘ LTD System 4 Data
            ‘ Cabinet switches
            Const swSelfTest = 9
            Const swTilt = 18
            Const swCoin3 = 13
            Const swCoin2 = 14
            Const swStartButton = 17
            Const swEnter = 10

            Const swLRFlip = 82
            Const swLLFlip = 84


            keyInsertCoin#  are the variables used for key mapping  in your VPMkeys

            keyInsertCoin1 = 4 ‘(3) Insert coin in slot 1
            keyInsertCoin2 = 5 ‘(4) Insert coin in slot 2
            keyInsertCoin3 = 6 ‘(5) Insert coin in slot 3
            keyInsertCoin4 = 7 ‘(6) Insert coin in slot 4



            the variable keyInsertCoin#   are are called by each manufactures  VBS files with the lines

            Case keyInsertCoin2 vpmTimer.AddTimer 750,”vpmTimer.PulseSw swCoin2′” : Playsound SCoin
            Case keyInsertCoin3 vpmTimer.AddTimer 750,”vpmTimer.PulseSw swCoin3′” : Playsound SCoin


            the LTD.vbs is only calling   Coin Slot 2  and Coin Slot 3

            you can either modify the LTD.vbs so it calls all four   Coin Slots  (with Coin Slot 1 being mapped to keyboard key 3)

            Case keyInsertCoin2 vpmTimer.AddTimer 750,”vpmTimer.PulseSw swCoin2′” : Playsound SCoin
            Case keyInsertCoin3 vpmTimer.AddTimer 750,”vpmTimer.PulseSw swCoin3′” : Playsound SCoin

            Case keyInsertCoin1 vpmTimer.AddTimer 750,”vpmTimer.PulseSw swCoin2′” : Playsound SCoin
            Case keyInsertCoin4 vpmTimer.AddTimer 750,”vpmTimer.PulseSw swCoin3′” : Playsound SCoin

            or you can modify your VPMkeys.vbs so that    Coin Slot 2 or Coin Slot 3   use the 3 key

            keyInsertCoin1 = 4 ‘(3) Insert coin in slot 1
            keyInsertCoin2 = 4 ‘(3) Insert coin in slot 2
            keyInsertCoin3 = 4 ‘(3) Insert coin in slot 3
            keyInsertCoin4 = 7 ‘(6) Insert coin in slot 4


            the Hankin.vbs and the Gottlieb.vbs files where fixed a few years ago with option A.

            So that the 5  key would work by default.


            see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

            see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it


              Ahh thanks @32assassin.  I should have caught that.  I was running on very low fuel last night. Thankfully I didn’t change anything when I was too tired

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