Using layers from script

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  • #146713

      I am trying to create an original table that uses Pinup for its display. I want to show something on part of the screen, and have an overlay on the rest of it. I cannot find any documentation on the scripting that PinUP uses. I see code like:

      <span style=”font-family: courier new, courier, monospace;”>PuPlayer.SetScreenex pBackglass,0,0,0,0,0</span>

      What I want to do is to have a second layer on the backglass screen, which fills part of it. How do I define this in a script, and how do I control which layer is on top?


        cool.  if you’re just getting started.  PM me and i can get you the latest framework stuff ive been working on for PupDMD (which will as do bg as well).

        but for this question:  not sure exactly what you’re trying.  but theres two special playlist folders.  You can have PuPFrames and PuPOverlays playlist.

        and when you put a png (no video) in those playlists and play them via script…it will treat them as overlays or backdrops.     so if you send a pupoverlay item to backglass it will be overtop your BG.



          I want to create a display such as this:


          But I don’t understand how to make a video fill a smaller part of the display instead of the whole display.


            ah…  two ways.  you could play the video behind the overlay and position the video in your video editor.  so full screen mp4 but black where the overlay is.

            or,  if the video area is always going to be that size then you need to use custom position on the pupdisplay.

            PuPlayer.SendMSG “{ ‘mt’:301, ‘SN’: 2, ‘FN’:15, ‘CP’:’99,x,y,width,height’ }” ‘custompos 99=self position

            that should allow you to set the video area on your backglass (sn=2).  you need to change the x,y,width,height as percent of BG area.  (you can use decimals in the percents)

            note;  make sure you’re on latest version of pinup display if that function doesn’t work.




              OK, I have a PUP installation that can play Leprechaun King, but I cannot get PUP to work for my own table. I have set cGameName and TableName and I have copied the code from PinUpPlayerReference.txt where I run CreateObject(“PinUpPlayer.PinDisplay”) and PuPlayer.Init

              However, the PUP widow never appears for me. Is there some mandatory file in the PUPVideos pack I am missing? I do not get any error messages, which makes this hard for me to troubleshoot.


                I attempted to create a table that’s as minimal as possible that uses PUP to show what I am trying to do. For me, this table does not open any PUP display.



                  you didn’t add any playlists using the playlistadd function (its right there in the samples).





                    Ah, thank you very much, adding the media folders with playlistadd was the step I was missing. I guess the term “playlist” confused me since I don’t want to play any media in a set sequence my table.

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