Using Materials for Table Physics

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      I’ve been using materials for my table physics for quite a while now.  However, I haven’t seen any other table authors take advantage of this great feature, so I thought I’d start a topic to get the discussion going and raise some awareness.

      For those that are interested, take a look at my Tee’d Off table.  The entire table uses 10 physics materials.  The only objects not controlled by materials are the flippers, bumpers, and slingshot.  Most tables wouldn’t have the playfield controlled by a material, but Tee’d Off uses a raised playfield.

      It makes managing, adjusting, and tuning physics a breeze.  In my opinion, if implemented the way I have on Tee’d Off, it’s even easier than managing physics than grouping them into collections.

      What do others think?

      Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

      Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


        Very interesting way to do it. Would this be “correct” way to do it you think?

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          Never used them, I usually group object into a collection. Need to try it.


            Very interesting way to do it. Would this be “correct” way to do it you think?

            I really like it.  There are a ton of advantages and I would advocate that it is a “better” way to do it.

            Another advantage is that it makes it really easy for novice users to adjust physics to their liking.

            Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

            Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


              Thought about it, have not gotten around to using it yet, but also haven’t built any tables lately either.  I am updating my blank em template for 10.3beta at the moment, maybe I’ll look at doing this as well.  I think either collections or materials would work pretty similar and not sure if there is an advantage one way or another.  (would be interested in a list of your “ton of advantages” rothbauerw)  Objects still need to be made into collections for things like hit sounds so it doesn’t seem to save anything from that perspective, unless I’m missing something.  Will also check out Tee’d off as well.


                I think you’ve convinced me. Could allow for a lot more fine detail in physics tuning without getting bogged down in grouped collections.


                  I’m sure I’ll miss some of the advantages, but let me try to list out the big ones:


                  The attached image shows how I’m managing my materials in Tee’d Off.  I can go through and adjust every material in under a minute.  No need to identify which layer an object is on, no trying to select to the right object when objects are stacked on top of each other, and no need to worry about multiple collections of similar objects.

                  To use collections, you need to set “Group Elements”.  I can’t tell you how many times I’m zoomed in, working on details, I select an object, move it, or worse delete it, only to find out later I moved or deleted everything in the collection.  With materials, there’s no longer as big of a need to “Group Elements” and this greatly reduces the risk of a time consuming mistake.

                  There are also times where you want different physics for elements in the same collection.  For example, in Tee’d Off, there are metal walls I want different elasticity on.  With materials, I can keep them in the same collection for sound effects, but still easily apply different physics and easily maintain them.

                  Furthermore, some authors don’t leverage collections and apply individual sounds to some objects.  When cleaning up tables or changing them to my own preference, creating materials and applying them to all the objects on the table is a one time project and then all future adjustments are a snap.

                  In your case BorgDog, creating a template with all the materials pre-created would also save you the time of going back and figuring out what you used on the last table, since objects don’t remember your defaults.

                  Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


                  Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


                    I can see where you are coming/going roth, only one small thing I disagree with, and that is you don’t have to “Group Elements” for collections, in fact I turn that off on all my collections (it’s rather annoying that it’s on my default).  When I want to select the collection I use the Select button and select it there, otherwise I’m just working with individuals.

                    So you have 2 completely different sets of materials in one list, 1 that is just for physics and the other that is just for appearance.  given any though to combining those?  Seems like could almost have a separate Physics Manager list for physics that would only show in the physics materials drop down and not have all the appearance crap in there.  But then someone else may have a different work flow idea and actually put in physics on Rubber White, and also have Rubber White Post or Rubber Black Post etc.  just different ways of thinking/doing things I guess.


                      I was not aware you could select a collection that way.  Good to know!

                      I’ve thought about combining, but it doesn’t really make sense.  You set the appearance materials and physics material in different places.  It would also greatly increase the number of physics materials you’d need to update.  I’d like to keep the number of physics materials to a minimum.

                      A separate list for physics materials and appearance materials would be nice.  My work around for that was with my naming convention.  I named my physics materials such that they’d appear at the very top of my materials list.


                      Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

                      Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


                        My work around for that was with my naming convention. I named my physics materials such that they’d appear at the very top of my materials list.

                        I noticed :good:  I do the same thing with my collections (usually).

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