VP Keycodes

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      VP Keycodes


          0            =  11
          1            =   2
          2            =   3
          3            =   4
          4            =   5
          5            =   6
          6            =   7
          7            =   8
          8            =   9
          9            =  10
          A            =  30
          ADD          =  78
          APOSTROPHE   =  40
          AT           = 145
          AX           = 150
          B            =  48
          BACK         =  14
          BACKSLASH    =  43
          BACKSPACE    =  14
          C            =  46
          CALCULATOR   = 161
          CAPSLOCK     =  58
          COLON        = 146
          COMMA        =  51
          D            =  32
          DECIMAL      =  83
          DELETE       = 211
          DIVIDE       = 181
          DOWN         = 208
          DOWNARROW    = 208
          E            =  18
          END          = 207
          EQUALS       =  13
          ESCAPE       =   1
          F            =  33
          F1           =  59
          F2           =  60
          F3           =  61
          F4           =  62
          F5           =  63
          F6           =  64
          F7           =  65
          F8           =  66
          F9           =  67
          F10          =  68
          F11          =  87
          F12          =  88
          F13          = 100
          F14          = 101
          F15          = 102
          G            =  34
          H            =  35
          HOME         = 199
          I            =  23
          INSERT       = 210
          J            =  36
          K            =  37
          L            =  38
          LALT         =  56
          LBRACKET     =  26
          LCONTROL     =  29
          LEFTARROW    = 203
          LSHIFT       =  42
          LWIN         = 219
          M            =  50
          MINUS        =  12
          MULTIPLY     =  55
          N            =  49
          NUMLOCK      =  69
          NUMPAD0      =  82
          NUMPAD1      =  79
          NUMPAD2      =  80
          NUMPAD3      =  81
          NUMPAD4      =  75
          NUMPAD5      =  76
          NUMPAD6      =  77
          NUMPAD7      =  71
          NUMPAD8      =  72
          NUMPAD9      =  73
          NUMPADCOMMA  = 179
          NUMPADENTER  = 156
          NUMPADEQUALS = 141
          NUMPADMINUS  =  74
          NUMPADPERIOD =  83
          NUMPADPLUS   =  78
          NUMPADSLASH  = 181
          NUMPADSTAR   =  55
          O            =  24
          P            =  25
          PAUSE        = 197
          PERIOD       =  52
          PGDN         = 209
          PGUP         = 201
          Q            =  16
          R            =  19
          RALT         = 184
          RBRACKET     =  27
          RCONTROL     = 157
          RETURN       =  28
          RIGHT        = 205
          RIGHTARROW   = 205
          RMENU        = 184
          RSHIFT       =  54
          RWIN         = 220
          S            =  31
          SCROLL       =  70
          SEMICOLON    =  39
          SLASH        =  53
          SPACE        =  57
          STOP         = 149
          T            =  20
          TAB          =  15
          U            =  22
          UNDERLINE    = 147
          UPARROW      = 200
          V            =  47
          W            =  17
          X            =  45
          Y            =  21
          Z            =  44

      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
      for IOS and Android


      1 user thanked author for this post.

        I read that and got the feeling that you were reprogramming my brain.

        …..now I have an insatiable urge for chocolate and coffee.

        Oh wait, it’s 10am here and that’s normal.

        Mmmmmmmm C  H  O  C  O  L  A  T  E….


          I’ve always used this





            Ninuzzu thanks for link I updated to that source much cleaner. :)

            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android



              There is this thing too… you open it like a table and it tells you the code when you press a key.  Probably less practical than just having a list, but here it is.    :-)


                Trying to program a lockbar/Fire button into my table, at the moment this is gold. Thanks.

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