VPX- Screen and PinDMD3 sudden insanity

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  • #210299

      Hey all! Really really hope someone can help with this. So I was using a certain bulk media collector last night and when I came back to the table, all my screens were out of wack and my pindmd3  wasn’t being recognized. Corrected all the problems with FP, V9, and even so far as getting ultra tables to recognize the real DMD when running but just can’t get any of the VPX tables correct. Tried everything to get the screens realigned and the DMD to work to no avail. Playfield is on Topper screen, backglass is on playfield as shown in photo. At my wits end. I would so appreciate any and all ideas. Should I just do a VPX reinstall? Seriously thanks for any and all ideas…

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