VPX sounds that I ABSOLUTELY despise

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  • #207051

      I hate with a passion, the old coin in sound that EVERYONE used, the knocker sound (thankfully i disabled the sound so only DOF works, and recently i discovered the DT drop and reset sound.  Does anyone have a good DTreset and drop sound that they know of.  I looked at a handful of tables to include BIG shot since it has a shit load but nothing i like really well


        You could always use the sounds from FP tables… that are used in almost EVERY FP table :)

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          …. I only have one sound I really really hate. The DRAIN sound ;-)

          I try from time to time to mix up table sounds on my end, it helps, there is no doubt, we are re-using some of these samples way to often. The TOM table, is amazing, it has a lot of re-usable sounds that you can use. Then there is youtube and a program named audacity. :whistle:


            i really havent got into audio mixing and snipping yet.  I really want to dive into blender more now that i have a grasp on inkscape.  i used to hate the coin sound most but after hearing the knocker on this table when it first comes on, its like a little mini heart attack.  Thankfully i found a knocker solenoid that i love a dof saved the day

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