VR Room Black Rose Minimal (Bally 1992)

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  • #206007


      A minimal VR room for Bally’s Black Rose, based on Coindroppers VPX version he did with Hauntfreaks, GTXjoe & Dozer.

      I’ve got a soft spot for this table as it was at my local arcade for ages and wanted to give it the VR treatment and also tweak the way it worked a bit, and what started off as a quick job turned into a bit of an overhaul ;)

      The biggest (and probably only significant) gameplay change is that the whirlpool now works correctly with balls being able to fall off inside it. All of the ramps were also adjusted including the main cannon ramp.

      All the other changes were cosmetic, including adjusting primitives to the correct height and to stop objects clipping each other (where possible), and to improve the depth of the table and remove depth bias issues & transparency issues.

      Thanks to Tomate for fixing a broken primitive which I was struggling with :)



        Nice one. I so much  want to create walls for this to look like inside of a ship’s hull with port holes.






          Nice one. I so much want to create walls for this to look like inside of a ship’s hull with port holes.

          lol, that’d be cool! I can always add stuff like that if people are interested or want to send me stuff for the rooms :)

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