VR ROOM Bugs Bunny’s Birthday Ball (Bally 1991) minimal

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  • #203988


      VPX Table by: wrd1972

      Additional VR tweaks and lighting by: Sixtoe


        Been looking forward to this one.  Thanks!!


        Rajo Joey

          Looks great in VR but same as Tom & Jerry for me. There is no score on the backglass. I played in landscape mode at my pin and with the latest VPinballX_GL from the 15.08.2020. I have to set for both tables “Test Desktop” in the settings manually. Then it works. Someone has a hint for me?

          All other tables play fine and show the score.


            Just a couple quick questions, are you using VPinballX_GL 32bit or 64bit? Also you have a screenshot of your Prefrences -> VR Settings page?

            Rajo Joey

              Thanks for your response. 32bit or 64bit? There is only one version AFAIK. I tested two versions. One is from the 03.07. (most people use this) and I have one from the 15.08. But the problem is with both versions. The DMD is not shown. I see it, when I manually enable the “Test Desktop” setting.

              I have nearly 150 VR-tables and only Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry aren’t working with my settings.

              Here are my settings and the two VR-versions.


              2020-10-14 12_18_12-VR Options


                @Rajo Joey

                In case u are talking about the settings in the table itself – > backlass/POV – options settings, the “Test Desktop-Mode DESKTOP” settings should be enabled by default.  Without the setting ticked, both tables do not show the scoring properly.

                Are u saying that these are not enabled in your version?

                Rajo Joey

                  @Rajo Joey

                  In case u are talking about the settings in the table itself – > backlass/POV – options settings, the “Test Desktop-Mode DESKTOP” settings should be enabled by default. Without the setting ticked, both tables do not show the scoring properly.

                  Are u saying that these are not enabled in your version?

                  No, it isn’t. I’m playing in landscape- and not desktop-mode. So it isn’t set in any table.

                  Rajo Joey

                    I ask Rob and he helped.

                    At first: the VPinballX_GL version from 15.08.2020 should set desktop mode automatically.

                    But Tom and Jerry and BBBB doesn’t work so.

                    I changed in both tables one line.

                    It must be

                    Desktopmode = True

                    Now both tables work.


                      Thanks for this!  I had never played this table before… pretty interesting layout.

                      1 user thanked author for this post.

                        Just fyi there has been an overall to this table, download it from wrd1972, it includes this VR Room with it. Just have to enable it in the script.

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