VR ROOM Metallica

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  • #156508


      VR version of the incredible Metallica.  It all started from Frens original posted Metallica Pro table… that was a port of 85vett’s VP9…. then Sliderpoint came and got it to Premium Monsters….. and then HauntFreaks did his magic.

      And now it’s available in true VR and your gonna have to play it in front of thousands of people ….so you better make the best of it!

      Credits go to:

      – All the authors that made this version as it is today! What a great table!

      – 3rdaxis for sharing his great VR work and the template for creating a VR Room

      – HauntFreaks for his badass Premium Monsters backglass (we miss you man! Hope you return some day)

      – Caligula for bringing us VPX VR via VPVR!

      Keep a close eye out for more releases, VR is going to be the future of visual pinball :).

      12 users thanked author for this post.

        Beautiful table, but PF looks slighty dark, cause the bulblamps on the playfield are off.
        It is possible to turn them on?  [Const UseLamps = 1] don´t work.

        edit: found brightness settings here: Options / Table -> “Night -> Day cycle” slider: set to mittle :good: .

        Metallica Lamps


          The bulbs are on, they clearly shine some light on the playfield :). Lighting is a personal preference. I think the PF is not too dark :).

          If you want more light you can always up the night-day cycle in the main options for the table.


          1 user thanked author for this post.
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