VSync not working when launching VPX through Popper

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  • #222475

      Greetings! I have vpx and a bunch of tables running very smoothly with vpx with vsync = 1. All tables stay locked at 75hz, the refresh rate of my playfield screen. (I have a backglass and virtual dmd also running at 75 hz). When I launch a vpx table through Pinup Popper my tables become super jerky and stuttery, and after pushing f11, realized that my frames are showing between 130-150, as if vsync is getting disabled. Oddly enough, if I force vpx to run at 75 (vsync = 75), it maintains that frame rate when launched through popper as well.

      This is happening on each of my tables and not currently running any pup packs.

      Any pointers? Running whichever version of popper was new as of 2 months ago (I can go grab the version if needed, had to come tend to a baby lol).

      My specs: i5 6660k, 16gb ram, rx580, ssd drives. Win10. 32” playfield at 1440p, 24” backglass at 1080, and dmd at 768. At screens show at 75hz in windows display drivers.


        I did a little digging around this morning. I have Pinup Player and Popper 1.4.5 installed. VLC version was 3.0.11, 32bit (must have auto updated). I uninstalled that, deleted from %appdata%. I copied the version of VLC included with Pinup Player (2.2.8), copied to c:\VLC, and pointed Windows to that directory as default player for MP4 (not sure if that step was necessary), and disabled auto updates.

        At any rate, I’m still having Vsync break when I open a VPX table through Pinup Popper… tables are stuttering and FPS is not locked. I am having Pinup Popper keep a static png image over my DMD, but not running any pup packs. I’m not sure the next steps for troubleshooting. Much obliged for any troubleshooting steps!

        Also for what it’s worth, when I installed the Pinup Player / Popper setup, I went through the nailbuster guide (disable antivirus, unlocking DLLs, Sam Build, DOF, Freezy, B2s update, proper display order and DPI, etc.).


          Popper doesn’t ‘touch’ anything when launching emulators.  It just executes your Launch/Close Script.

          Post your launch script if you’re not using the default.


            I believe I’m using the default, I don’t recall changing any of those settings. Here’s what I’m seeing for the launch:

            START “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 30 10 60 “Visual Pinball Player” 2
            cd /d “[DIREMU]”
            if “[RECMODE]”==”1” (
            START /min “” vpinballx.exe “[DIREMU]” -DisableTrueFullscreen -minimized -play “[GAMEFULLNAME]”
            ) else (
            START /min “” vpinballx.exe “[DIREMU]” -minimized -play “[GAMEFULLNAME]”

            Here’s what I have in the close script:

            “[STARTDIR]LAUNCH\PUPCLOSER.EXE” WINTIT “Visual Pinball” 10 1

            Thank you for your help and in being a pillar of the vpin community!


              that’s default.  so its something you’re missing outside of pinup, as theres not even a way to disable vsync via launching vpx.

              my best guess is you’re running a different vpx file in popper than the one you launch manually…also try other tables as some tables overwrite your vpx settings.


                Interesting. I only have several tables, and all tables play at 75hz when launched directly through VPX, and 130-150 variable through Pinup. Super strange. Thanks for your time


                  Here’s other info.  https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=emulators

                  Also,  perhaps your AMD drivers are changing things depending on which exe is running.  So that may change your GPU stuffs too.


                    I tried updating my amd drivers and all settings are stock (no game specific rules, just default settings) but vsync still ends up breaking/disabled when launching a vpx table through popper. Such a bizarre problem since I know Popper isn’t changing vpx settings.


                      I may have figured out what’s wrong. I’ve tinkered with several settings on the AMD drivers, and it seems like if I disable Freesync, the problem resolves. Might have to upgrade to an nvidia card sooner than I thought. Lol. The freesync stuff would be nice to have enabled but for now it’s way better than it was! :)

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