Williams Firepower (1980)

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  • #196284


      VPX Beta 10.6 rev. 3541
      Thanks again to the community for all of your help with effort. Everyone was incredibly helpful with anything we needed to get this one done.
      And thank you to the previous Firepower authors that gave us the foundation for this build. Could not have done it without you all.

      I have hopefully given everything within my abilities to make this as close as possible to the real machine.
      Personally owning four Firepowers and restoring countless others has hopefully lent itself to making a perfect digital recreation.

      Thank you Slydog43, always a pleasure and of course with a great machine to use for a solid 1 to 1 reference too compare our efforts including physical characteristics and visuals.
      Thank you G5K , your passion for this format is as equal too if not greater then mine. Beautiful work as always brother and I look forward to future creations.

      A very special thanks to Ben Logan, xzotic(SpaciesArcade) and Sliderpoint for beta testing, critical de-bugging and invaluable feedback. More helpful then you know.
      Please feel free to reveal any issues you may have and or suggestions. They are ALWAYS welcome.

      I recommend turning off AO (Ambient Occlusion) in video preferences and keeping ScSp turned on.
      Anything else (Anti-Aliasing, Post-proc AA) will depend on your set-up.

      I look forward to the next VPX build. I’m sure a lot of you know what that might be;)
      We have a few table options for you to enjoy in the script as follows:

      OutlaneDifficulty = 0                 ‘0=Factory 1=Easy
      PlayMusic = 0                         ‘0=Off 1=On
      InstructionCardType = 0               ‘0=Factory 1=Modded Cards 2=THX Card  (See THX Setup for directions)
      Targets = 0                           ‘0=Factory 1=Modded
      DynamicBackground = 1                 ‘0=Off 1=On
      BallShadow = 1                        ‘0=Off 1=On (Off=Performance On=Quality)
      PlayfieldLamps  = 1                   ‘0=Factory 1=LED
      MyPrefs_Brightness = 4        ‘(New)  ‘1= 30% brightness adj, 2= 50% brightness adj, 3= 70% brightness adj, 4= 100% brightness adj,
      MyPrefs_DisableBrightness = 0 ‘(New)  ‘Disables the ability to change Brightness option with magna saves in game when set to 1
      myPrefs_GlassHit = 1          ‘(New)  ‘0=Off, 1=Less often, 2=More often (This determines how often the ball will smack against the glass)
      FlipperBatType = 3                    ‘Flipper Bat Type

      I also recommend going through the THX set-up to ensure that you are experiencing this table as it was intended. Enjoy…

      Total of 33 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.

        :good: :good: :heart:

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          :-) :-) :-)

          1 user thanked author for this post.

            Still my favourite pinball, real or vpx.  Thanks 3rdaxis, always lookingforward to any updates you provide!!


              Thanks for this, I always look forward to your updates. This game is so realistic and fun to play.

              I like to lock my preferred LUT settings and currently have my settings in the script set to MyPrefs_Brightness = 4 and MyPrefs_DisableBrightness = 1.

              This locks the LUT settings, but when I start a game “LUT ME UP” is displayed on the playfield near the plunger.

              How do I remove this text on the playfield?

              1 user thanked author for this post.

                Thanks for this, I always look forward to your updates. This game is so realistic and fun to play.

                I like to lock my preferred LUT settings and currently have my settings in the script set to MyPrefs_Brightness = 4 and MyPrefs_DisableBrightness = 1.

                This locks the LUT settings, but when I start a game “LUT ME UP” is displayed on the playfield near the plunger.

                How do I remove this text on the playfield?

                Thanks for pointing that out. I’ll upload a hot fix tonight. For now, just go into backglass in the editor, select the textbox and under the options delete where it says “LUTMeUp”

                2 users thanked author for this post.

                  It is a work of art

                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    As a firepower owner myself, this is much appreciated.   Kudos to you and the team for an awesome looking and playing game.


                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                      Thanks for the text removal tip!


                        Is this the same table like your earlier Firepower, but without AI?


                          Is this the same table like your earlier Firepower, but without AI?

                          Correct. This is the original “vanilla” version. No A.I. No mods (Except flippers, stand-up target decals and LED’s options)

                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                            Love it. Thanks, man. Always look forward to your projects.


                            Is there still a certain magical EM in your future?

                            1 user thanked author for this post.

                              Top notch table! Thanks a lot for the update.

                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                              The Loafer

                                Polished to as perfect a virtual pin as VPX allows at the moment.  Thanks good sir!

                                1 user thanked author for this post.

                                  still cant get no rom sounds from this table any tips EDIT fixed with this rom Firepower (system 7 – 7-digit) – ROM – frpwr_b7.zip

                                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                                    I did not know this table, it is really excellent! thanks a lot for your work and sharing!

                                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                                      Love it. Thanks, man. Always look forward to your projects.

                                      Is there still a certain magical EM in your future?

                                      There is one table I would love to do but I’m having a hard time getting hold of one. Gottlieb’s Gold Star. Had the pleasure of restoring one years ago and fell in love with the table. Fantastic strategy and game play. I would of course model the entire machine for VR as well.




                                        Wow – a lot to do on that table! I hope it is a project you can pick up sometime.

                                        For some reason I had it in my head that you had Abra Ca Dabra as a WIP. Might have been my imagination.



                                          Wow – a lot to do on that table! I hope it is a project you can pick up sometime.

                                          For some reason I had it in my head that you had Abra Ca Dabra as a WIP. Might have been my imagination.

                                          Oh yea I forgot about that table. Might be one I consider doing for sure. Already have the entire machine built…




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