WMR – HP Reverb 2. Any Suggestions?

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  • #224291

      For you WMR users – I’m about to get my reverb 2 this week.  When using oculus rift S, I would use a program to bypass steam opening for better performance.  Does something similar exist on the WMR side or is it even needed?


        i got the reverb and never heard of an bypassing programm for steam VR


          Unfortunately that’s not possible. And some games like Dirt Rally 2 or Raceroom run much worse on the G2 because of this. Could run these almost maxed out on my Quest 1, now with my G2 I have to set everything to low and run the G2 at 50% SS in SteamVR to get a stable 90fps. Fortunately VP runs awesome, 90fps with max settings on most tables I tested.


            nice!  I actually bought index as well to see what is better!  Couldn’t decide considering one is better clarity while the other is essentially better in everything else.


              I can give you the short answer for that – for sims, virtual pinball, anything you don’t use your controllers for – the G2 is better. More comfy and the clarity is awesome.
              But the tracking of the controllers isn’t that great so if you mainly play fast games like beat saber with the controllers.. well an Index or even a Quest 2 might be a better choice.

              Good news is that one of the wrm devs posted they apparently found the bug that’s causing the performance hit with steam vr and they’re working on a fix :)


                @Warrie…what kind of specs are you running with the G2?


                I have both a Rift-S and the G2.  Main specs for my rig:

                Ryzen 7 2700X 4GHz

                RTX 2060

                16GB RAM


                I think I have the Rift-S dialed in pretty well and looking decent. I do use opencomposite for the extra benefit it provides. Of course I’d like the best visual fidelity so opted for the G2. I haven’t spent as much time dialing it in just yet once I realized I had to dial down a lot of the eye candy in VPVR.


                Thinking of getting up at 4:30AM to stand in line at the local MicroCenter to upgrade to a 3080 or if they are taken a 3070.






                  I9 9900 + 2080 Super. With that I can run most tables at 90fps, except for some of those ‘full’ VR rooms with lots of decor like other tables added. For those I need to drop SS in SteamVR to 80% to get 90fps. In VP I have set all the gfx options to the highest, MSAA on 4. I don’t know if it’s mostly CPU of GPU related though in VP, but obviously a 3080 can’t hurt :D I’m waiting with upgrading.. bought the 2080 super a month before the 30XX cards were announced for about $900,- so that sucked. And even with a 3090 sims like Dirt Rally 2 and Raceroom run crap, but that’s completely because of WMR.. read in the WMR sub on reddit that the devs found the cause of this and are working on a fix so fingers crossed :D

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