Yup, a Weirdo build..but having fun..

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      Playtime…Race or Pin-arcade? all 4K crazy..these are never ending fun builds with add ons….I didn’t want to go a tradition Pin machine build.. because a V-pin, well really isn’t..still has nudge and wiggle just like a normal machine..yup.. a weird o

      First,  I Like to Thank VPinball and all the great pin artist for their amazing work…its freaking awesome, and soon hope to join in the fun of design of V pin tables..having a art background and been playing with the 3d stuff it will be fun making Hot-Rod and vintage Racing theme Pins..

      Well ,  I started the Pin build with hit with my 3rd round of cancer and for something for the guys to do while waiting to race on our Friday Night 1/25 Slot car events..its a blast and get a pretty big crowd of guys who travel 100 miles to race…. a couple of wood Ovals, a drag strip and a new road course in the works…( got back into slots with my first stage 4 C hit, wanting to do something I loved as a kid)..

      well yea it’s an Odd one with still tons to go on the never ending project…its wheel chair assessable for my nephew which is a plus..the upper screen slides outward  for hyper spin arcade stuff and entertaiment viewing…so its’s kind of an all in one unit..got the goofy light and a topper..next up is the tactile stuff to make it shake your groove on..

      I know its not normal.. but hey.. just a cheap very easy build and yea I know the plunger is upside-down.. looks better and doesn’t hit the monitor….I can post more photos.. if you wish..


      thanks woodguy32



        Wow I’d say that it’s different! But is a nice build looks great! Not sure I could call it a pinball but man the quality and uniqueness is great :good:


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          Very nice work!  I like it =) :good:

          - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet

          - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet


            I do too. Different yes B-)


              Love it!



                Way cool !



                  I love to see these builds where people just jump out of the box and run with it!

                  As difficult as it is to to face once, I don’t want to even imagine three.  Wishing you the very best with your health.


                  <edit> more photos are always a nice addition.


                    That’s so cool, and especially as it’s built so that your nephew can access it. Really great design and Aesthetic. Also complements the sim-pit nicely, which BTW – would love a go on that thing!

                    Definitely interested if you want to post more pics ;)


                      Awesome Build – thought also you can “turn” the Playfield ;-)
                      Hey whats the Race Game on the 2nd Photo ?

                      I want to build a “Sega Rally” 2 Player “Cab” next Months …

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