Avatar mod

40 Ratings

This is modifiction to Freneticamnesic’ FP conversion located here :


I wanted to release this mod for everyone to try. For me, a noob in the community it has been a goto table for testing things I’ve seen done by you guys. At some point I began to really like the changes and thought that I should consider sharing the result.

Fren gave me a go ahead and so here it is.

I’ve had some helpers. Hauntfreaks made the table look great again after me messing too much with stuff I really don’t know enough about yet.

Stat supplied me with a nice IC.

GtxJoe helped me a bit with some flashers and I’m pretty sure that even 85vett had those missplaced in his PM5. Manual just doesn’t make sense. So, instead of not having them enabled, they are placed where I believe they should go.

The most noticable changes I guess is that Eywa is working differently. Physics have changed some and there are a few more lights flashing.

Ah – yes, stole some playfield elements from 85vett’ table over to this mod.

Oh. And I forgot to say it – this mod should stay at vpinball by Fren’s request, a while ago.

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