VR ROOM Total Nuclear Annihilation

11 Ratings

VR version of the incredible Total Nuclear Annihilation by gtxjoe.

What a beautiful table in VR! Lightning, super sound and awesome gfx… gtxjoe did an outstanding job with this table, the guy is a wizard :)!

The table comes with with the free song from the TNA soundtrack available here: http://www.scottdanesi.com/?page_id=19. For the full music experience, you will need to BUY the TNA Album and convert the songs from FLAC format to mp3 format. For more info see table script. Scott deserves our support, so go get that music pack!

I created a futuristic VR ROOM and custom TNA cab art. I hope you like it.

Credits go to:

– gtxjoe for his incredible table

– 3rdaxis for sharing his great VR work and the template for creating a VR Room

– Caligula for bringing us VPX VR via VPVR!

The DMD display on the table is not working in VR, not sure why but this gives some issues when you can enter a highscore. If anyone finds a way to display this please let me know and I will update the release. In addition expect an update when the PUP Pack is released by Peter Guertin in the near future!

Keep a close eye out for more releases, VR is going to be the future of visual pinball :).

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