Back To The Future

44 Ratings

Back to the Future – Data East – 1990


Here is one of my favorites.  It has everything I love in a pinball table..  Great Theme, Ramps, and Multi-ball… Crazy to think I’ve been working on it for over two years O_O.  I hope it shows :P  This is a port of JP’s vp 9 version.  I rebuilt it once, and then with the help of wrd1972 again to the correct dimensions.  Lots and lots and lots of new things, and some old from the original table.


Check the top of the script for a bunch of different options/mods



again its been two years I hope I remember everyone and what they have done.


First off to wrd1972 and rothbauerw for helping me finish this up and testing.  Who know if it would have ever gotten done without them.

JP.. for his original table (and anyone else that might have worked on it) and his permission to MOD.  Like so many other tables, this would not exists without him.

wrd.. Heaps and Heaps behind the scenes…  Physics (HMLF) resizing and placing objects and on and on.

roth..  All kinds of trouble shooting and code wizardry.

ClarkKent.. Playfield and ramp decals along with some sounds and other tweaks along the way.

hauntfreaks.. made a pass on the lighting and other things at some point before his hiatus.  He also did the photoshop work for the Hologram Photo (I love when an Idea comes together)

Dark.. For lots of little nuts and bolts and things.

Zany.. For the Flasher domes and other things I’m sure.

flupper1.. For fixing up and texturing the flux ramp.

nFozzy.. For his modulated GI script

evileye and wrd1972.. For taking pics of the flasher domes I based my redraws on (icing on the cake)

Others I’ve “borrowed” code, ideas and resources from over the years.

Everyone else behind VP and all the other table authors!!  None of us get to enjoy VP without them!!!!!



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