VR ROOM Space Station (Williams 1987)

11 Ratings

VR ROOM version of nFozzy’s Space Station!  I had so much fun building this room around this incredible table.  I hope you all enjoy it!  Full credit goes to nFozzy for this really advanced and well made VPX table. It has always been one of my favourites and I have enjoyed playing it a lot.  I have not touched the physics, graphics, or gameplay.  nFozzy had already coded the segmented display, so it was fairly easy to move and get working in VPVR.  DMD capture software is NOT required for this table.  I was unable to get hold of nFozzy, and therefore I do not have his express permission to release this.  He has not been active in the forums for over a year.   I hope all is well with him, and when he gets back, he is able to enjoy this version of his table.  If for any reason he is unhappy with this release (mod of his table), I told him in a message sent, that I would respect his wishes and take the file down.

VPX table: nFozzy

Based on Hmueck’s VP9 table

SFX by Knorr and Clark Kent

Thanks to 3rdAxis for the new metal and plastic for the ramps and wires.  3rdAxis also provided the cabinet components.

Thanks to Rascal for the Space Station topper model.

Thanks to Steely for the Skybox primitive.

Thanks to The Loafer for beta testing.

Thanks always to Randy Davis, The VP development team, and Caligula for bringing us VPVR



Graphics option on line  47.  0 through 4  –  Currently set at 3

Enable/Disable the floating scores on line 61. – Currently enabled





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