WaterWorld (Gottlieb 1995) MOD

16 Ratings

This is a MOD (mostly visual/graphic) of the amazing VisualPinball Table Waterworld !!!
This table was built for VP9 by mfuegemann and recently converted to VPX by Goldchicco & 32assassin (with also the help from Arrestis for the playfiled/apron and Arngrim for DOF script)
Thanks to all involved!


I’m pleased to share my very first contribution (with approval of Goldchicco)

For this MOD I just polished it the best I can (the flashers, some lights, some plastics, some materials, …) and many small changes and fixes (ramps, playfield…)
Unfortunately this table lacks good ressources… but even like that the table looks good and plays great. It was already really enjoyable and now I hope it will be even more!!


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