VPX VR-Launcher

This is a loader for VPinballX_GL.EXE. With the included vpx-vrlauncher.exe and vpx-vrlauncher.vpx it’s now possible to switch tables with plunger and flipper keys. Now you can stay at your cabinet playing and switching tables without the need of VR-controls. If you exit a table, the table-selection will be shown again.
Best results (fast loading speeds, many capturing improvements) with the newest vpvr 10.6 beta of Caligula, DJRobX and Rawnei! You can find it here.
Default cabinet-keys (adjustable in the launcher):
- LeftFlipperKey: previous table
- RightFlipperKey: next table
- plunger: start selected table
- LeftMagnasave: previous column
- RightMagnasave: next column
- PlungerKey: load&start table
- AddCreditKey: open filter menu (hold key, then toggle with left/right)
If you want the default keys (shown above) leave this at “default” or “reverse” (without quotes). If you want to setup your own decimal key codes you can get them from vpx registry or with my debugkeys option. You can also use vpx key constants like:
LeftFlipperKey, RightFlipperKey, LeftMagnasave, RightMagnasave, StartGameKey, AddCreditKey, AddCreditKey2, PlungerKey, LeftTiltKey, RightTiltKey, CenterTiltKey, MechanicalTilt
Since v.3.00 you can setup your own filters and toggle them with a free configurable key (default = AddCreditKey). Empty filters are disabled. You can use comma-separated values for each filter. Optional you can name each filter. For this you start with filtername:filter
An Example – If you want to make an 80s filter:
80s: 1980,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989
Favourites: SelectMode-Key toggles:
- 1st press: Select favourites ON: Select fav with left/right and confirm with startKey.
- 2nd press: Save selected table as favourite: Change target-slot with let/right and confirm with startKey.
- 3rd press: Select favourites OFF
Hint: You can leave the SelectMode-Key empty to disable the new favourites-feature.
Tip: If you want to setup something at the launcher, you should disable the option “hold vpx_gl on top”, because you want vrlauncher on top, if you must setup things. If you’ve finished your setup, you should reactivate “hold vpx_gl on top”.
Thanks to senseless, arvid and rawd for their support!
Thanks to the community for making vpx a great VR experience!
If you want to use parts of my code – use them without approval. :)
Download Info
- Author: b4sti
- Version: 3.26
- Downloads: 3532
- Updated: March 31, 2021