Members Map

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  1. Author
    randr 8 years ago

    @scotty! your in woodbury? did i know that?

  2. HauntFreaks 8 years ago

    Randr your the man as always…. this came out great….

  3. walamab 8 years ago

    Very cool addition! I like it. :good:

  4. Author
    randr 8 years ago

    Is cool but need a better name! vpin locator? I can add a name/logo to top of page but need a good name first dont like vpincab map

  5. STAT 8 years ago

    Better Name: “Guys who love their Balls” lol

  6. Author
    randr 8 years ago

    Lol! Stat was thinking different direction! Lol

  7. Author
    randr 8 years ago

    Much better with photos!

  8. Chucky74 7 years ago

    Can anyone tell me how to alter my own placed marker with more comment or different photo ?

    • Author
      randr 7 years ago

      currently cannot edit a marker. just make another and i can remove old one

  9. TerryRed 7 years ago

    Now that I have moved to Gloucester (Ottawa), could you remove my old marker that’s in Pembroke?

  10. Shadow 6 years ago

    @randr could you please remove my postal address (I’m near Bordeaux from south-west France) ;)

    Thanks :)

  11. Rickey 3 years ago

    Shout out to the DIYs out there. You people ROCK!

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