Looking for a B2S DMD demo??

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  • #119501

      Does anyone know if there’s a Demo table for creating a DMD via the DB2S program? I’ve done many 2 screens, this will be my first 3 screen. I know how to add the pics, but I don’t know the calls. I opened Scarface for a reference but can’t understand it. I’m trying not to use Ultra DMD if I can as it’s a private table. I’m not looking to do anything fancy just some static .png images.on a timer.


      P.S. I’m also looking for the sticky note demo table.


      Be a Rogue! http://roguepinball.com/ Full Screen DirectB2s Tables no one else has!

      Be a Rogue! http://roguepinball.com/ Full Screen DirectB2s Tables no one else has!


        Jp has some I think slimer ghostbusters is a great example

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          Maybe gtxjoe’s post-it tutorial is something for you @Itchigo ?


          Michael did a very cool thing not long time ago. He trackes vpm score in one of his recent releases. Was sure I had it bookmarked, but, can’t find it right now and I don’t expect that is what you’re looking for. Thought I should just mention it though.


            Thanks Randr, I’ve been out of the game too long. :mail:

            Thanks Thalamus, I knew that was out there somewhere, just didn’t know where.

            Be a Rogue! http://roguepinball.com/ Full Screen DirectB2s Tables no one else has!

            Be a Rogue! http://roguepinball.com/ Full Screen DirectB2s Tables no one else has!


              If anyone’s interested here’s a close to final pic. (I didn’t do the artwork).


              Be a Rogue! http://roguepinball.com/ Full Screen DirectB2s Tables no one else has!

              Be a Rogue! http://roguepinball.com/ Full Screen DirectB2s Tables no one else has!

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