Steampunk Metal Works WIP

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  • #156220

      I’ve been working on this idea for three months. Finally  got the game play to a point where I’m comfortable.

      The idea behind Steampunk Metal Works is

      1. To create a concept  table to get the most SSF by making your SSF equipped cab sound like a factory inside. Most common pinball noises will be replaced or enhanced with factory SFX.
      2. Design a table layout to separate sounds or maximize shifting ball position  … you’ll notice things like pop bumpers in the four corners. Criss cross metal ramps.
      3. Since it’s a factory, I started with “Industrial Revolution” but then hit on using steampunk imagery for it. Eventually most of the steampunk visuals replaced factory ones. (Hey, Gwen, the Tesla cab was part of the inspiration!)
      4. Then I had the idea of using a foundry/steel mill for the game play. Collect ores, stoke the furnace and create alloys to fulfill orders. That’s the goal. Collect Copper and Zinc and you create brass, copper and tin make bronze, etc.

      I’m working on the wire ramps in FP now. They will be fed with Furnace and Bellows VUKs. The coal mine will be a saucer. I wish I had 3D skills, so many opportunities with this.

      Gameplay may be overly complicated, each order has a series of events to complete:

      1. Collect coal to run the electric and steam generators.
      2. Generate a certain level of electricity and steam with spinners. Each order has its own requirements.
      3. Collect necessary ores for each order. Each order has different quantity of ores needed.
      4. Stoke the furnace and pump the bellows to raise the furnace temperature.
      5. Then enter the furnace to create the alloy and complete the order.

      Planning to add some voiceovers to guide you along. “Let’s mine some coal to get started.” “We must generate more steam!” and maybe some backglass indicators.

      I expect scripting will take a very long time with all the if/then statements. Don’t expect a release anytime soon.







      2 users thanked author for this post.

        I love the idea and the preview looks different but exciting !

        The Loafer

          WOW!  This looks interesting and what I love about it the most: it embraces the VP platforms strengths.  Looking forward to testing this out


            Very cool!  I’m looking forward to this one.  I’m a big steampunk fan :yes:

            - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet

            - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet


              This will be perfect for your cab Gwen!

              Will be enjoying following this Pete!


                If you need help with voice overs let me know! I work at a radio station so I have access to plenty of microphones and recording software that are correctly processed. I did some work for zaccaria and the home brew clue table.


                  Thanks all. @roccodimarco  I’ll be in touch when I get to that point. @thalamus I’m hoping you’ll help get the most out of SSF. Even adding background noises that play in surround sound, like left to right to left, or back to front to back.







                    @ooster : I’m confident that you manage this without me, but, of course, I would be happy to look over it and help out in any way.


                      Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 10.51.13 PM

                      Concept for the BG.






                        very nice.

                        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                        for IOS and Android


                        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                        for IOS and Android



                          This is looking great!


                          - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet

                          - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet


                            Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 10.51.13 PM

                            Concept for the BG.

                            Concept?  You’re good.  Love what you’ve designed here. Thanks for sharing this amazing creativity.




                              A little progress. Thanks to Fren for his great tutorial on wire ramps in FP>blender>vpx … from 2014! Gonna work on getting the VUKs to work next.

                              Also made a little crossover ramp in Blender where they intersect. We’ll see how the ball behaves and whether it goes airborn!







                                “And whether it goes airborn.”

                                Let’s hope it does.  High risk high reward.

                                Jokes aside this looks great!

                                "Fuck this game. I love it."

                                "Fuck this game. I love it."


                                  Question: How can I simplify scripting so that a trigger, such as a pop bumper, turns on a different light with each hit. But on hit two, lights 1 and 2 stay on. Hit 3, lights 1,2 and 3. (I’ve done bonuses where one light state advances, not adds a light to the previous light.) thanks for any help. pete

                                  Here’s my attempt:

                                  Bumper1 = Bumper1 + 1
                                  if Bumper1 > 4 then Bumper1 = 4
                                  end if
                                  if Bumper1 = 1 then
                                  else if Bumper1 = 2 then
                                  L51.state = 1
                                  L52.state = 1
                                  else if Bumper1 = 3
                                  L51.state = 1
                                  L52.state = 1
                                  L53.state = 1
                                  else if Bumper1 = 4
                                  L51.state = 1
                                  L52.state = 1
                                  L53.state = 1
                                  L54.state = 1
                                  end if





                                  Scotty VH

                                    Also made a little crossover ramp in Blender where they intersect. We’ll see how the ball behaves and whether it goes airborn

                                    I wonder if the right nudge at exactly the right time could make the ball change tracks!  Could be a fun feature.


                                      Use the Select case

                                      Sub MyBumperCode()

                                      Bumper1 = Bumper1 + 1
                                      if Bumper1 > 4 then Bumper1 = 4
                                      end if

                                      Select case Bumper1

                                      case 1

                                      case 2
                                      L51.state = 1
                                      L52.state = 1

                                      case 3
                                      L51.state = 1
                                      L52.state = 1
                                      L53.state = 1

                                      case 4
                                      L51.state = 1
                                      L52.state = 1
                                      L53.state = 1
                                      L54.state = 1

                                      End Select

                                      End Sub


                                      Latest projects and rants at My Facebook Page
                                      Latest Project: fpxEngine Table Builder


                                      Latest projects and rants at My Facebook Page
                                      Latest Project: fpxEngine Table Builder


                                        Eavesdropping while amazing minds share their thoughts is a special part of this site.  …Pope Julias – ‘When will it be done??’  Michelangelo – ‘When I’m finished!’  Looking forward to this!!

                                        Thanks again @randr for all you’re doing to keep this agora up and running.


                                          I am clueless and a noob and doing most things wrong, but heres my approach:

                                          If I have different ways or modes that affect the same lights in different ways, I get into serious trouble at some time. Two ways to solve this:

                                          Have different lights for different modes (copy the light and have it at the same place, name it modedependent) and activate the lights for the actual mode (set as collection of lights)
                                          or using the same lights and dont care what the lights do in other modes
                                          I would then do like this:

                                          make collections of lights (e.g. „cBumpermodelights“)

                                          „If something special happens“ then startbumpmode

                                          sub startbumpmode

                                          for each xx in cBumpermodelights:xx.visible=true

                                          end sub

                                          Sub bump1_hit()

                                          If bumpmode.enabled=true then bumps=bumps+1:if bumps=5 then bumps=0 ( or stopbumpmode?)

                                          If bumps=1 then l51.state=1

                                          If bumps=2 then l52.state=1

                                          If bumps=3 then l53.state=1

                                          If bumps=4 then l54.state=1 (no care about the other light  states as you dont get to bumps=4 without having bumps =3,2,1 before…) : (and maybe:  „stopbumpmode“, or if there was a timer running

                                          End if

                                          If anyothermode.enabled=true then do any other things

                                          end if


                                          End sub


                                          Sub stopbumpmode

                                          for each xx in cBumpermodelights:xx.visible=false:for each cBumperlights:xx.state=0: other things

                                          End sub


                                            Update. This was a hurdle but the ramps work. I had to add side rails because the ball kept rolling off.


                                            I’ve been working on scripting, but wanted to get gameplay going first to see if the whole idea is too complicated or hard. Which it may be. I’m looking at removing some of the requirements to complete an order. Definitely going to let progress remain from ball to ball.






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