Reply To: Last call for Jack*Bot


    Jack-bot is the ONE table that got me hooked again, around the end of the 90’s.

    It cost me a lot of quarters, I drove about 4 miles just to play this at a cafetaria…
    I ordered and ate some (most of the times cold!) fries, because else the owner would think I was crazy,
    coming over just to play his Jack-Bot !

    It is not the most challenging or complicated machine, but you can play it for hours … ‘my precious Casino Run..’

    Looking forward to a VPX Jack-Bot, and proud to bump a half year old topic :bye:


    Tanks again to all you guys for all your great work and contributions.


    W10 64, 750W, MSI Z370, i5-8600k @ 4,8 GHz liquid cooled, 16GB DDR4 3000, MSI GTX 1070Ti 8GB, Samsung SSD, WD 1TB HDD,
    PF Samsung 37" HD 1920x1080, BG Acer 27" 1920x1200, LED-Wiz, GP-Wiz 40, 4 RGB buttons, VP 9.21, VP 10.6, VPM 2.9, DOF R2, +/- 250 tables.

    W10 64, 750W, MSI Z370, i5-8600k @ 4,8 GHz liquid cooled, 16GB DDR4 3000, MSI GTX 1070Ti 8GB, Samsung SSD, WD 1TB HDD,
    PF Samsung 37" HD 1920x1080, BG Acer 27" 1920x1200, LED-Wiz, GP-Wiz 40, 4 RGB buttons, VP 9.21, VP 10.6, VPM 2.9, DOF R2, +/- 250 tables.


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