Reply To: DOF CONFIG CREATOR: Create and add MX Led effects and DOF configs the EASY way!


    Some may say this is over the top but I feel for that this table specifically it’s completely justified  :yes:

    Hopefully also an improvement of the original flashers even outside of the matrix effects.

    DOF code is here if anyone want’s to try this and give me feedback but it’s basically turned out better than I initially hoped at this stage (couple more playtests and I think i will submit). Created this in about 10 hours and although i do have some experience in lighting design and programming (night clubs… so a bit different, but similar) it goes to show how powerful and easy this tool and DOF is as this is quite a complex show with some subtle things added for the player to discover  :good:



    Video extra trippy (not by design), so sorry/enjoy that. I suppose this is because I used the selfie cam?


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