2 Questions, DOF in Menus and Flipper light actions

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  • #94329

      I started working on Doflinx support this week and I have it working in game on Fx3 with no issues. I turned on DOF in Pinup by using var useDOF = true; and doflinx is running, my configtool data was updated last week, but I see no lighting or effects when browsing Pinup, was there another setting I was supposed to change?

      Second question, is there a way to turn off the LED blink affect that turns on with flipper action in Fx3? I prefer to not have the lighting fire everytime I hit the flipper button (assuming this is an intended effect :O )



        I had the same issue, spent hours trying to figure it out and just posted what I found on my table…

        launching from this path give me no DOF


        launching from this path does give me DOF



        Now if somone could answer my sql questions in the other thread I’d be golden…



          I am launching from the default location using the batch file in startup,

          cd “C:\PinUPSystem”
          start “” PinUpMenu.exe


            useDOF=true is really all thats needed.  (and updated dofconfig files)

            did you use the new r3++ dof installer?

            try changing the admin=rights on/off of pinupmenu.exe to see if dof works…


              useDOF=true is really all thats needed. (and updated dofconfig files)

              did you use the new r3++ dof installer?

              try changing the admin=rights on/off of pinupmenu.exe to see if dof works…

              Tried running in admin, still no DOF :/ I am on newest version of DOF R3+++ from about a month ago, Ill check and make sure there hasnt been an update.


                Did you get this issue resolved?


                  hi guys,

                  where is the r3 dof installer located ?

                  thank you



                    Grander Unified-er DOF R3++



                      thank you so much


                        Did you get this issue resolved?

                        Not really, at one point DOF just started working in Pinup without changing anything and stayed working until I upgraded to Windows 10 and then it stopped again lol. I am not that worried about it, everything else works fine.


                          I noticed on mine, my left flipper triggers right solenoid and right flipper triggers left solenoid.

                          Where are the DOF commands at so I can switch?


                            I noticed on mine, my left flipper triggers right solenoid and right flipper triggers left solenoid.

                            Where are the DOF commands at so I can switch?

                            Popper doesn’t use any “solenoids” at all for DOF. (and most people prefer it that way) If you have real solenoids going off then its not Popper doing it. Maybe DOFLinx?

                            If you are talking about SSF sounds when navigating being backwards, then you must have mapped your Game Next and Game Prior backwards in controls.


                            The settings for the sound files being used are in the pupMenuScript.pup file (it’s just a text file).

                            Look for:

                            function MenuEvent(fIndex){
                            //sample dof
                            if (fIndex==2) {PuPlayer.PuPSound(‘fx_flipperup.wav’,100,1,-100,100,”);}
                            else if (fIndex==1) {PuPlayer.PuPSound(‘fx_flipperup.wav’,-100,1,-100,100,”);}
                            else if (fIndex==5) {PuPlayer.PuPSound(‘fx_bumper.wav’,100,1,0,100,”);}
                            else if (fIndex==6) {PuPlayer.PuPSound(‘fx_bumper.wav’,-100,1,0,100,”);}


                            …and make whatever changes you prefer.



                              As a pinballx user I decided to try popper again..  everything works, except dof in popper when running pinupmenu as admin.  works as non-admin.  however puppacks won’t work unless my pinupmenu is set as admin.

                              I tried everything on the troubleshooting page, so I started more in depth troubleshooting: https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=dof_registry&s%5B%5D=dof

                              No difference, so I started clean installs of dof and popper with the same results.

                              I then tried the popperdoctor…

                              as non-admin, it works fine when I start dof with either DOF driver type (PopperDOF or DOFDirect)

                              As admin when I start dof with DOFDirect, I get this…  (but DOF is definately registered as you can see in screenshot)..  Any ideas?






                                @coreduo0099  the easy solution is to run everything on your system as non-admin.  many people now run everything as non-admin with no issues.

                                if you have issues its because you still have things running as admin.  People forget to turn admin mode off on doflinx and fploader.exe and futurepinball.exe are most common.


                                  Ok, thanks.  I was trying to make sure everything was 1:1 matching your video while doing some troubleshooting.  At 16:07 it says to run PinUpmenu.exe as Admin.. so that is what I was trying to do.

                                  I do have it set to non-admin and things are all good now that I reverted freezy dmdext back to v173r100..  with the newer builds, if you didn’t run pinupmenu.exe as admin, the PUP packs didn’t work.  [ https://ci.appveyor.com/project/freezy/dmd-extensions/history ]

                                  These double combo glitches keep finding me.  ;)


                                    Try running without administrator on any program and set this to and see if things work

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