Black flickering lines in DMD

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  • #137991

      I use Frenzy 1.71
      And have tried different versions of this.

      I got some black “lines” that flickers on some tables on the dmd, but not only that. The lines flickers also when my pindmd v3 shows “Attract videos” from Pinup popper. So i guess this may be an easy one to fix, but i dont know how.

      If you know how to get rid of this annoying flickering lines, please tell me ;)



        I have been struggling with my own issues and a DMD. However I cannot remember where, I have been searching all the forums to solutions to my issues and I read something that may apply here. I can’t find it again but it was along the lines of freezy’s dll and another trying to access the dmd at the same time. So I would make sure there aren’t any other dmddevice.dll anywhere but in the Vpinmame directory. Rename them or re locate them.


          @malinas maybe usb cable issue? I just had to replaced my usb cable for my pindmd2 after 5 years the cable just started to cut out dmd randomly but good now with the new cable

          Have you asked manufacturer of the dmd?

          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android



            @Krodak Thanks for reply! I also have dmddevice.dll in XDMD otherwise UltraDMD dont´ work.  But i have tried to remove that aswell just to check what causing the issue. But it still remaining the same.

            The black lines seems to appear ONLY when the DMD turns on bright colours, like white .. then it flickers like hell ;/

            , Good idéa! I changed to a brand new one, but it wasn´t that ;/ still flickers with the black lines. Yes, i have contacted the manufacturer but no reply yet. Thanks for helping out!

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