Creating a playfield mesh with holes tutorial (basic)

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      A little more details and maybe I could follow :wacko:

      Knew a tiny bit of blender a while ago. Guess I have to start all over again :unsure:

      Not sure what I can add to this part of the process but I can pad out the front end to include details for importing your table into Blender.

      Should probably do a version for Blender 2.8 eventually.

      I would love to see the prequel to this.  How to get a PF into blender and anything that needs to be done to get to step 1 of this. I tried making a PNG with my holes transparent and added elements from BorgDog’s stripped EM table, but ball shadows show up solid light grey as the ball enters below-PF kickers. Also hoping a mesh will reduce/eliminate some of the light reflections around the edges of the PNG holes.






        I agree. I would love to get more info. But, I admit. I also noticed after struggling that I left out an essential step that was written down in the description that I didn’t notice in the video. Haven’t tried it since – its one of those going to re-visit and nail next time things. Still hoping that we one day will get a blender for dummies with essential things like importing/exporting so everything still is correctly scaled and of course the “complete” kicker hole tutorial with sound would be very helpful. I think that the more guys we get to overcome the startup “problems”, the greater is the chance that we get more people involved in using blender for various things. If you don’t feel that everything is a struggle, then it is very easy to loose interests or get frustrated. Last is my Achilles heal.


          Seems like maximizing a VP project is near impossible without some level of 3d modeling. Feels as essential as Photoshop (or Gimp) these days.

          I think you’re right about a comprehensive series about using Blender. Would be cool to see. Techniques will certainly vary person to person since no one is working from a manual. We’re all just sharing whatever info we have and figuring things out as we go. If you’ve ever PMed Flupper for help you know how much knowledge is sitting behind that keyboard. Incredibly generous with his Blender techniques.

          Once in a while behind the scenes with collaborators we’ll be talking about a technique or problem and I’ll do a screen capture. I can dump a few here if it is helpful.

          Here is a silent video of going from OXO in VPX to Blender and setting up all materials and lighting.

          Here is a narrated video of doing a quick and dirty metal reflection using camera projection.

          Here is a silent video of going from Time Line in VPX to Blender and rendering a shadow layer using a shadow catcher.

          Here is a silent video of rendering drop shadows using a shadow catcher.

          The silent ones move fast and aren’t very instructional but may be a look behind the curtain for anyone curious.

          I guess it would be best to be systematic about an instructional series and come up with a series of 8 topics that could build off each other. Otherwise it’s just a bunch of random videos that make huge assumptions about where the audience is at.

          2 users thanked author for this post.

            Are you kidding me – you’re starting off … I’m not a good teacher. Well, I would be lying if I said I understood all that you did. But, there where many things you explained that would be god damn impossible to understand without you explaining it. This is the first blender video that actually I’ve found to be interesting all the way through. Sitting on a all to small laptop monitor now. So, impossible to see what dialog boxes you used etc. But, only getting the playfield into blender is something I’ve never seen how to do before. You mentioned a few essential shortcuts etc. Excellent tutorial in that you only focus on one task, getting that metal to look more realistic. Brilliant stuff and a huge thank you @bord.


              Happy if it’s helpful. If you have specific topics I can try to lay out a series of a couple videos.


                I really would love to have a narrated ! kicker cup video. The reason is obvious. There are a huge amount of tables that needs this and if you did focus on just that it would be great. I must admit, I do now believe I could figure it out by what you’ve already wrote and did in the previous video. But, once more. Slowly explaining just a little bit about the import and export settings. What they need to be etc. If I have that in the same video – it would be perfect because it is one I would look at until it becomes second nature. I saw that you had that info in the already narrated one – so, I can manage. But, if you could just stop and explain how you set up the template and maybe use a minute to explain as to why this is important it would perfect.


                  Ok, @thalamus. Check the first post. I uploaded a tutorial for basic kicker holes. I can redo it based on feedback so let me know what I breezed over or what wasn’t helpful. Just testing the waters a bit.

                  Edit: Added a second one with slightly more advanced techniques.


                    @bord. This is exactly what I was hoping for. I know I will be swearing a few times while following this tutorial. But, it looks to be more complete than what I had hoped for. You explained every step and why you did it and that is so important for me at least. You learn things that you can use in other situations – awesome.

                    It is rather late here tonight. And tomorrow morning I’m heading south to play some real pins in a small tournament. Returning monday, but, I’ve already downloaded this YT video to my laptop so I should be able to kill som hours by just experimenting with what you’ve showed me.

                    Already looking forward to get home and see how bad I can mess it up. Thanks you so much once again Bord for sharing your knowledge. You are aweseome and totally wrong about that you are not a good teacher. :rose:   :heart:   :good:


                      Sweet! Have fun in the tournament. Share some of your work with playfield meshes when you get around to it.


                        Thanks. And I will – if I don’t mess it up and come screaming for more help ;-)


                          Possible to make a video on how to add the (GI) lights on the playfield image, or is it done in photoshop ?

                          Thanx bord


                            Possible to make a video on how to add the (GI) lights on the playfield image, or is it done in photoshop ?

                            Thanx bord

                            I know it isn’t a proper tutorial but you’d be looking at something like this:

                            Then instead of rendering a shadow-only layer you would render the playfield-only with the lights on and all non-playfield elements raytraced but not visible.

                            I’ve been slowly picking my way through an entirely narrated and screen captured project but time is scarce.

                            2 users thanked author for this post.

                              Still helpful. thx.






                                Great to hear. I did a step-by-step document for 2.8, too but never shared it. Less explanation than the videos but I tried my best to make the directions airtight:


                                3 users thanked author for this post.

                                  Omg, Tried this like 200 (ok perhaps 40) times on my latest project, and still did not get it to work, raised the playfield 20 on the z-axis and it all worked, but the old pf mesh stopped the ball ofcourse.
                                  Note to all: playfield_mesh Name is CASE sensitive *facepalm*… Finally when I looked at your Doc @bord and followed it to the letter, literally :D, it worked straight away. Thanks for these awesome videos you are delivering (following every Seawitch videos, great learning for the future of table creations)


                                    Looking forward to great things from you, @lobotomy!


                                      Wow just saw this topic and it looks very interesting! Thanks for taking the time to put this together.

                                      Whoever laid out all of those timers in perfect rows in OXO must have OCD ;-)



                                        I have no experience in Blender so I asked Bord for a good starting point and he told me about this video series.

                                        The videos are short and well done and at the end of Level 1 I had some experience with using the UI and learned about several of the tools.  Not exactly useful for VP but I can now make a frosted donut…



                                          No sprinkles, no peace!


                                            @bord, what am i doing wrong, i cannot put the cylinder in the object catagory on the right


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