Flipper Idea

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      Pictured in the picture above is a set of Bally Zipper Flippers on Fireball. If you look at the flippers you’ll notice it has to o rings stacked on top of each other. The reason for one in the grove and one under it is to essentially make a thicker rubber ring which helps with aiming and getting more direct shots. I haven’t found a single thing in any Visual Pinball forum about this. I know how to make a flipper and a rubber model but i’ve never been able to replicate the double stacked rings and have it look and play right. Any and all tips on how to go about creating this is greatly appreciated.

      PS: I am not asking someone to flat out make it for me just tips on how I can make it on my own. I apologise if this comes off as somewhat of an attacking statement, but i’ve asked similar questions before on another forum and got dragged through coals because people assumed i was just flat out being lazy and said here make this for me.


        Not sure I’ve ever seen anything like that irl.  You sure someone didn’t slip an extra ring on those flippers?  Looks like the top ring wouldn’t make contact.  But heck, might just try that on my small-bat em.  I need all the help I can get.



          According to bally flipper rubber is  2 rings one for the groove and one for right under it. From what i understand the ball size shrunk from 1 1/8th inches to 1 1/16th inches but the flipper stayed the same so to stop flippers from breaking and since there’s more rubber now more flipper to ball contact, thus more control. bally started using double rings and other manufacturers probably added 4 flipper rings for the owner to use as however they wanted.  When the ball was the larger 1 1/8th inch size ball bearing made more contact with the rubber and less with the plastic; since the pinball shrunk and the flippers stayed the same the top ring made less contact with the ball and more in the middle area below the round top. Thats why the second ring was added.


            still looking for 3d modeling tips if you got any


              I don’t see why anyone would attack you for that.

              if I would have to guess, @bord would be the one to ask this question.  He is very knowledgeable about older Em models


                If you would like to see Zipper Flippers in action… there is a nicely done FP-BAM version of the Nip It! table done by @Gimli and @wild.

                It actually has real working Zipper flippers (that move closer to each other) in the game as you can see in my demo video here (listen for when The Fonz says “Eeeeeeh!”

                Table can be downloaded here. you’ll need newest BAM to run it.




                  @terryred, who put the colored LEDs in there? Heresy. B-)

                  has some very lovely zipper flipper games as well. Capersville and 4MBC with The Wiggler in the wings.

                  I’ve seen rubbers implemented both ways. Doesn’t seem like all 2″ flippers would benefit from this i.e. the flat topped Gottlieb ones from later in the EM era. Haven’t tried them on my Moulin Rouge (Williams 1965). I’ve read some contentious debate on this topic and the one detail that is always missing is what year pinballs became 1 1/6″ instead of 1 1/8″. The documentation that @username provided from Bally on Fireball is very helpful, though I would want to see similar documentation for other zipper flipper games before being convinced they were all designed with double rubbers in mind.

                  To the question at hand: It would be pretty simple to make a double rubber that rotates along with the flipper. The first thing I’d do is try working with the separate rubber mesh in this pack: https://vpinball.com/VPBdownloads/gottlieb-2-inch-round-flipper-mesh-pack/ It might be as simple as placing a second one lower along z and scaling it a bit.

                  If that doesn’t work I would model a new one using this method. Just remember to export with the flipper and rubber’s pivot points at 0,0,0 or it won’t rotate correctly when you bring it into VP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q56mb18cnao




                    Not me… this time. :)  (we all know I’m kind of the opposite of pinball purist at times)

                    That said… I’ve never had exposure to older EM tables like that until recently. So if it wasn’t for this table catching my eye, I never would have known what a Zipper Flipper even was. EMs have never interested me gameplay wise… but I absolutely LOVE the mechanical aspect of them! Amazing creations for their time.



                      Interesting discussion.  Love learning about things like this.  Think I will try an extra set of rings on my non-wedgehead wedgehead next time the glass is off.  That Nip-It vid is cool @terryred !  That’s a Ted Zale design so if you like that you have to check out Scott’s Capersville and 4mil BC here if you haven’t already.  Couple of my favorite games.  Zale’s designs were way ahead of their time.  @bord mentioned The Wiggler – really looking forward to seeing that in it’s final form.  All zip-flips.

                      Good luck with the project @username .  Thanks for bringing this up.  Would like to see these flips come to vp life.  If banana flippers happened!! – looking at you bord, so can this!!



                        https://www.dropbox.com/s/6upbwpxiyzg9d4v/Proto%20double%202%20in%20flipper.rar?dl=0 here’s the link to the mock up i don’t want to see this die and i’ve been having problems adding textures to it, and my grandfather died on the day I am typing this reply and have medical things to deal with not only for me but for my mother as well for idk how long. I know this sounds like i’m pawning it off but, life has a funny habit of screwing peoples plans up.


                          Wow, sorry to hear of your loss and other challenges.  Go take care of things.

                          Very cool files here!  I have nothing but amazed admiration for people with this type of ability.   Your Flipper Idea will live.  And I’m going to try it out in real life on my Spin a Card this weekend.  The flip solenoids are in need of rebuilding so this trick might just let me procrastinate even more on that project.  Thanks!!


                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                            Double-rubbered my flips tonight.  This is really interesting.  I like it!  My 1 1/16th ball plays perfect off the lower band.  No bounce.  Thanks for bringing this up @username !





                                20200903_225443Fun stuff!!


                                  @bord, look what i saw tonight.  I am working on this table and it sure does look like double rubbers…


                                  If you look at the one below it, it looks like only 1 rubber…


                                    and does it look like these rubbers are too big.  This is a 1987 table and i am looking at flippers from nip it, 4 million bc and fireball.  Same flippers??? I just found on the example table the Bally mini flippers on the left of the table.  nice prim



                                      @armyaviation, same flippers. https://www.marcospecialties.com/pinball-parts/A-3739

                                      I don’t know that we have a good mesh version of this one with the raised lettering. The zipper flipper games have been using ones with a basic rounded top.

                                      That image definitely looks like a wrong sized rubber or at least one that isn’t riding in the flipper groove properly.

                                      Nice project.


                                        @bord, The ones on the example table on the VPX are actually really nice looking. Do you happen to know which table I’m building??


                                          The photos look like City Slicker to me. Is that what you’re working on?


                                            /me nods.

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