Freezy DMD with B2S

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  • #144858

      as most of the b2s have DMD built in with grills enabled, is there a straightforward way to have all these be freezy DMD, or would it involve manually dragging and resizing to fit in grill on each game?


      thank you


        I think that would only work if the dmd was in the same position for every b2s. Then you could use something like setDMD to have it appear there every game. I use a third screen for dmd and that’s how I get mine to appear in the same position for each game.

        Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.

        Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.


          I beluevw you would have to drag it for each table. I asked this question before. I used a 3 monitor for dmd and disable the grill in the bs2 .

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