FSS MOD Kingpin (Capcom 1996)

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  • #196775


      This is a modification of the Bigus and ICPJuggla table, conversion to the FSS (Full Single Screen) format by me.

      All the modification was done through Nick’s guidelines (Arconovum). Thank you very much for the guide videos.

      Obs: The lighting of BG I believe is very close to the original. It was based on the B2S lighting done by freneticamnesic and hauntfreaks (Thanks).

      Thanks to everyone involved in creating Visual Pinball and creating the tables, without you the fun would not be the same.

      *From now on in File Author, I will also place the author of the original table in addition to mine, I would do that in the text, but I will also include this point.

      *My native language is portuguese, so if the English got bad, I’m sorry.


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