Gauging interest in a Seawitch scan/group buy

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      I’ve wanted to do a Seawitch build for a long time. I purchased some plastics to scan but haven’t been able to come up with a good playfield scan. Years ago I put this together. It is adequate but would take too many more hours of tinkering to get to a quality that would be worth working with:

      I have a lead on a Seawitch playfield but it ain’t cheap (sub $300, which is good for a pf but out of my personal price range). Just posting to gauge interest on a group buy of this thing. I would scan and stitch at 600 dpi and share the scan with the vp community. I would also share my plastic scans. In the longer term I would also build a minty Seawitch in VPX or VPE or whatever looks best in late 2020.

      So post if you’re interested or PM me if you’d rather not discuss it publicly. You all know me well enough to know the scan will happen and if I’m still alive later in the year that you’ll have a good looking/good playing Seawitch.

      This is uncharted territory for me. In the past I’ve just bought stuff as I’ve needed it but this is a little higher price tag. Any objections to this sort of thing will be taken seriously. Most of us aren’t here to profit from this hobby and a request like this should receive due scrutiny.

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        I would have no problem throwing in a few dollars towards the funding.  I have no table building talents, so i figure its the least I could do.

        Heck I donated money towards buying some Big bang bar plastics, for a table that never got released :cry:


          I don’t know bro, on my phone that image looks pretty damn nice.


            Count me in

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              I would have no problem throwing in a few dollars towards the funding. I have no table building talents, so i figure its the least I could do.

              Heck I donated money towards buying some Big bang bar plastics, for a table that never got released :cry:

              Really? Did anyone kick up a stink about it? That sucks.

              My goal is finite: $250 and I’ll cover the rest. I’m in at least $100 between plastics and pf. I won’t collect money until I have a scan to share with the community. Anyone committing to $25 will get a download for the scanned plastics immediately.

              I’d love to have 10 people commit to $25. Anything more is too high a risk, imo.



                $25 – I’m in … and yes, I was also contributing to the bbb plastics. Doesn’t mean that it won’t show up one day in the future. I trust the guy to share it if needed. There is people in this community I trust, and I’ve been proven wrong about others. I want to once again express my feelings about asking for money without a set goal. This one is $300. Very different from – asking to fund me and I will make it. In the end though. I was proven wrong in a way. The guy in question did release it free for everyone, funded by community. And I was not part of it. I would not mind, now, to send him a few bucks – if their project came out in the red.

                Still doesn’t mean I think it is right. I don’t want to pay for time spent, or talent for that matter, but, I can see a reason to contribute as long as the resources obtained is free for anyone for the future to use freely. And that is exactly what you are asking for, and the guy mentioned promised earlier ( still trust him on it ).


                  Sure I’ll do 25.00 as well, let us know how to donate

                  As for the BBB plastics, I’m not worried about if it makes it out or doesn’t.  I just remembered I donated when this thread came out is all.  I had completely forgotten about it


                    If memory serves me right it was over at mbp. And I don’t think we need to set a limit on $25 either. Lowering it, asking for maybe a $10 could get a better response. Don’t know what to expect really. There is only 10.000++ users here – and 99.99 if them are leeeeeeeeechers that don’t even care to say thank you :)


                      I would have no problem throwing in a few dollars towards the funding. I have no table building talents, so i figure its the least I could do.

                      Heck I donated money towards buying some Big bang bar plastics, for a table that never got released :cry:

                      It’s been some time so I’m not sure the details, but I have a ‘vpx conversion’ of big bang bar by ninuzzu, was this the same table?    On my to do list has been to finish the BBB alien model/sculpt I started so long ago.  The VPX conversion has models made by ninuzzu but they are made using sculptris and auto-unwrapped using many UV islands, so I feel I could greatly improve on them.

                      [edit] looked at plastics I don’t think they’re updated with scans. :(

                      The design of the plastics are fairly simple though, I think they would be easy redraws.




                        I’m in for $25….just let us know how to donate. Small price to pay for the 700+ tables on my cab for free. You authors and modelers are like wizards!

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                          $25?  Done.  As Thal touched on, having the option to toss 10 or 100 at a table would be a nice option moving forward.  You find a mint Stargazer or Quicksilver PF and you could tweak a tad more out of me.  I know there are hurdles to leap with this support model, but I really like how it will let schleps like me somehow help out.

                          So…use a Paypal link like Javier has?  If I’m correct, not sure, donators do not need a Paypal acct. to contribute.  PP is just used to process the donation.

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                            Oh, I concur with Tom about the PF you’ve shared of SW Bord, I printed it out it looked so nice – – but I’ve come to learn that you magicians are making leaps by the minute making things look better.       hope the new job is going well Tom btw!


                              @jfr1: Well, Stargazer I’ve always thought of as my retirement project. I get resources for that and I’m done :whistle: I have a line on resources for SG and Quicksilver eventually. They aren’t ready yet, though.

                              Any amount is 100% cool, I just know classics fans are limited so 10 @ $25 may be the best way to break it down. 25 @ $10 would be even better in a way but I don’t see it happening. I’ll do Paypal and contact anyone that says ok privately once I know I can get the playfield. I don’t want this to be an ongoing cry for funds, just a way to get a specific project done. My time in VP is all gratis and I don’t ask anything except for others to participate in the VP project in any way they can.


                                Count me in for $25. It’s the only thing I am able to provide as I don’t have skills in scripting or 3D modeling it’s the least I can do

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                                  ..have any Backglass Designer experience @bjschneider93 ?  I’ve been working on a clandestine upgrade of bord’s Cross Town BG.  …and I have no idea what I’m doing.


                                    Just sent you $25 buddy, you’ve always been there for me it’s the least I can do.

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                                      @bord I’m in for $25. Oh, and you’re not allowed to retire. Ever.   :whistle:

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                                        Let me know Bord. I’m in also. You always provide such beautiful work and skills to the community and my unholy obsession with pinball  of course :good:

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                                          Sorry.  I’ve tried to get that that program figured out but  was only able to make something very basic and not very good


                                            Maybe this table is not (yet) one of my favorites, but that doesn’t matter.
                                            I appreciate all the work you did (JackBot!!!, PinBot, Centaur and much more…..).
                                            So I’m happy to be in also, and can at least give back a little bit.

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