Old Timer – amazed at the good work here

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  • #148298

      I was lucky enough that my early teens, in the early 60s, brought me to many great arcades.  Many in California – Oakland, Santa Cruz, the NuPike at Long Beach, etc. … I still recall so many great games.   I’ve thought about buying an old machine, but the maintenance, and the space required for just one game had been holding me back.
      I decided to look around for ‘what’s been happening with virtual pinballs’ … and I am very pleasantly surprised at the incredible work I see on this site.
      So much dedication to rescuing those great games, and great care taken to port the artwork to a digital form that will last.

      I’m going to build a cabinet and learn my way into this world.  As a retired engineer I won’t have any trouble with the technology.  This is going to be fun!

      Thanks so much for all you have done!




        Welcome Dave and good luck on your VP cab.  Lots of great info and people here on the site.


          Hey Dave!  I wasn’t far behind you.  Grew up in the 70’s/80’s so am just old enough to have experienced all the crazy changes pinball has gone through.  Vaguely remember the off-limits game rooms at the mall filled with dinging EM’s.  What’s fascinated me the most about this community in the almost two years I’ve been a part, is the commitment to those older machines.  Did not expect that.  Have fun!!


            Welcome Dave, thanks for sharing your experience with us, I suspect you’ll soon become a commonly recognized name around here.

            VPX is easier to set up than ever with the all in one installer.




              Welcome to your new addiction!

              Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.

              Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.


                I am 39 years old and I always said I would never get involved with Facebook because I was far too busy to be on there posting my thoughts and seeing what other people were doing… I just realized this is my Facebook.

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