Pinball FX3 Start

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  • #83178
    DR Peters

      Hello All

      I have a problem starting Pinball FX3 (Steam Version). I can start it through popper no problem, but I always get taken to the main menu rather than straight to the table. Is this by design or should it go straight to the table? Is there a parameter missing somewhere? When running through PinballX it goes straight to the table, but I love popper front end and don’t want to go back to Pinballx




        Definitely works for me, it should be launching straight to table.

        Whats your startup script look like?

        Have you installed Steam or FX3 in any “odd” way?

        When you added in the games in the game manager, you didn’t do any weird renaming of files or anything odd?

        Are you running Steam offline or are you connected to the internet…also FX3 full updated?

        DR Peters

          Here is the start up script

          @echo off

          rem remove rem to setup your DMDEXT press “open examples for more info”

          cd “D:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME”

          start /min “” “dmdext.exe” mirror –source=pinballfx3 -q -d auto

          rem –virtual-hide-grip –virtual-position=x y w -o PinUP\[GAMENAME]

          START “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 5 5 60 “Pinball FX3”

          START “” “[DIREMU]\steam.exe” -applaunch 442120 -table_[GAMENAME]

          Re-installed Steam and Pinball FX3 to default locations. (They were on my D drive, but not now)

          Steam in offline mode (but same happens in online mode)




            If you are trying tables you don’t own, but as a Trial…they won’t ever load directly to the table from a front-end.

            If it’s tables you have purchased, then they should go directly into the table. The default launch script should have worked fine for those tables.


              here’s a debug trick. after you launch anything and it seems to not ‘work’. Exit Popper… and go into the Launch sub-folder of pinupsystem. There is a curlaunch.bat file (which is the last ran script). Look at it and look for any errors. also, you can put a PAUSE line at end… and run the bat manually to watch/see any errors

              also,  your script has a small issue.  when moving between drives its better to change drive letters…. sometime a must

              so you need to go


              cd “d:\something”


              cd “visualpinxx”

              run stuffs on c


              DR Peters

                Thanks for the responses guys. I have done a fresh install of steam and pinball fx3 onto my c:\ drive and uninstalled and reinstalled popper onto my D:\ drive and still no luck. I have not changed anything in the script, these are tables I have purchased. The curlaunch.bat says the following:

                @echo off

                rem remove rem to setup your DMDEXT press “open examples for more info”
                rem cd “C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME”

                rem start /min “” “dmdext.exe” mirror –source=pinballfx3 -q -d auto –virtual-hide-grip –virtual-position=x y w -o PinUP\Alien_Isolation

                START “” “D:\PinUPSystem\Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 5 5 60 “Pinball FX3”

                START “” “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe” -applaunch 442120 -table_Alien_Isolation

                So does not appear to be any errors there but still I get taken to pinball fx3 main menu.

                Don’t think its an fx3 error as it works fine in PinballX (sorry for swearing!) and takes me straight into the table.

                I fear I will have to move to the dark side which is a shame because this front end is bloody brilliant. Any further advice?


                DR Peters

                  OMG its now working for some reason as i have done nothing. However I now have a new problem. When I exit the emulator using Q the only thing I am left with is the wheel bar, all other parts of popper are shut down?


                    OMG its now working for some reason as i have done nothing. However I now have a new problem. When I exit the emulator using Q the only thing I am left with is the wheel bar, all other parts of popper are shut down?

                    We finally solved that with my fx3 start/stop thread. In fx3 settings change fullscreen to borderless windowed. And boom, problem solved.


                      That solution does indeed work, but it gives another problem which is much worse. The ball is stuttering a LOT when running borderless window. Impossible to play. So I’m still looking of a solution when quitting FX3.


                        I am having issues starting and stopping fx3 as well.

                        1. It starts ok but when pinup popper starts the game, steam asks if it has permission to do so.

                        2. Then when I try to exit ,to go back to pop meme it closes everything out. Would love to have proper start / stop script for steam version.

                        4. Popper will not recognize my new games in fx3. Any help would be amazing.


                          Try this
                          Launch script

                          @echo off

                          START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe" 5 5 60 "Pinball FX3"

                          START "" "[DIREMU]\steam.exe" -applaunch 442120 -table_[GAMENAME]


                          "[STARTDIR]LAUNCH\PUPCLOSER.EXE" WINTIT "Pinball FX3" 4 1


                            I got it working, but I have to run PopperMenu as the Administrator.  One thing I am stilling trying to debug is more of a FX3 issue.   It goes to the game, but asked if I want to continue my last game or start a new game.  I ALWAYS want to start a new game, so I want to skip this prompt since I don’t have a mouse connected to the cabinet normally and don’t want to click continue.  Any suggestions?


                              You should not need Admin on any program
                              FX3 – I don’t believe you can get rid of that
                              I use the arrow keys for my magna save and flipper buttons in the emulators so I can move around the screen if I need to

                              1 user thanked author for this post.

                                Generally speaking, it will only say that if you exited the table with the ball in the plunger lane or in play. If you were just in the “orbit the table” attract mode they have, then it won’t do that. It’s basically the “you had a game running, start over or resume”.

                                Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
                                Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
                                Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.

                                Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
                                Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
                                Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.

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