Question on Pup Pack Editor

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  • #196335

      Can someone tell me if you load a Pup Pack into the Pup Pack Editor abd press the Configure Displays button, will the changes only affect that pup pack table or will the changes affect all pup pack tables?

      im trying to figure out how best to address components on different screens without affecting all pup pack tables (since most are working fine).  My guess is it is by using the method above but I don’t want to screw other things up.  Right now this is all hypothetical, I’m just trying to understand how it works.




        I answered my own question by playing around with this…

        If I use the Pup Pack Editor and press the button to configure my displays, any changes I make will affect my other tables as well since the Pup system is using that to setup the displays….

        So I’m guessing that if most of the tables work correctly, and a single one doesn’t that there is a change somehow needed in the table script…at least that is my current hypothesis!!!





          If you need to change how your pup displays are arranged for a specific table (differently than your default)…


          …you need to use a custom pinupplayer.ini file. To do this:

          • backup your original pinupplayer.ini first to a folder
          • then arrange your pup displays as you want for the table in question
          • save the new pinupplayer.ini to another folder future use
          • copy the new pinupplayer.ini to the table’s pup-pack folder.
          • copy back your default pinupplayer.ini

          PuP looks for this file first when a pup-pack starts. It it exists, those settings are used instead of the default.


            @terryred thank you!  That’s a great tip!  I’ll play around with that.

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