Setting up Voice with 1.4

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  • #121750

      Hi guys,

      Is there a walkthrough on the Google Voice setup?

      I have a mini that I picked up for this and installed. I am running the executable on startup and have signed up for the two services IFTTT etc.,

      I’m not exactly sure what I need to do next the .txt file is somewhat cryptic for me. I’m sure I’m missing something.

      I have done the following:

      • Setup beebotte account
      • Setup IFTTT and associated with my Google credentials
      • Set the PUP Voice .exe as a startup
      • Right Clicked in the application to show and filled in my credentials over there.

      Is there something I need to do in IFTTT?

      Is there something I need to do inside beebotte?

      Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!



        ah,  it was posted on the FB pinup group.


          Thanks so much! I’m about to run through that. I am excited to use the new functionality. I think there will be a lot of things that could be done with that interface that would be totally awesome!


            The video worked out perfectly. I love this feature! Def. going to save me on some button wiring among other things. The ability to quickly find something is great as well!



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