Steampunk Metal Works WIP

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  • #162589

      This looks very impressive!

      The Loafer

        Agreed, keeping an eye on this one!


          Got some ideas this past week. Adding a gate in front of the blast furnace that will open when it’s time to create the alloy. And this…


          A gear mounted above the slings that rotates 23 degrees on each sling hit. If I was better at this, I could do a series of gears above the plastics all driven by “powered” ones above the slings that would all rotate and cause something to happen at the top of the PF, like trip a switch that launches a multiball or opens the blast furnace door. Maybe on a Pro version later on. This one gear took 4 hours. sigh.






            Cool project, looking good.

            Never take advice from me,
            you'll end up drunk.

            Never take advice from me,
            you'll end up drunk.


              Couple of questions about scripting.

              I have the gears placed above the slings and they rotate 45 degrees when the respective slings are hit, then rotate back to 0 degrees in the timer. Two things: 1. how can I get them to hold the position after a rotation, and rotate another 45 degrees on each hit (so they’re spinning in increments? (I tried a couple of things but they didn’t work. Apparently the RotZ value is a fixed position in 360 degrees.).   2. Is there a way to slow down the rotation with a timer? Instead of instantaneous, I’d like it rotate 45 degrees in 1 to 1.5 seconds.

              (I asked in Orbital FB page, but thought I might get different eyes here). What’s an efficient way to disable some playfield triggers until one or two triggers have been hit? I want the bumpers, spinners and VUKs to work and create sound, but the hit events (registered in counters) are disabled until the Coal Kicker is hit. Once the coal kicker has been hit, the spinners and ore bumper counters are activated. Once the spinners reach a certain number of hits, the VUK counters are activated. So there’s a progression to hit events registering. I was thinking of something like this:

              GOAL: Get Coal. Then make steam and electricity, and collect ores. Once steam and electricity is accumulated, pump bellows and stoke furnace with coal. Get bellows and furnace to fire up Blast furnace.

              If coalcounter < 1 then spin1counter = 0, spin2counter = 0, bumpercounter = 0, VUKcounter = 0,  etc.

              If coalcounter > 0 then spin1counter = spin1counter + 1, spin2counter = spin2counter + 1,  VUKcounter =0, etc.

              if spin1counter = 4 and spin2counter = 4, then VUKcounter = VUK1counter + 1.

              Is that the right approach or could it be simpler?

              thanks in advance.


              Making simple things complicated since 1964.







                I also like to complicate things (since 1970, lol) so I would enable a counter when another counter has reached the intended limit. So you dont need to check each and every variable/parameter each time?


                  NOTE: This has been put on ice. Once it got it playable, I found it terribly boring. I tried to like it. But I’d lose interest after one game.

                  I’m going to rethink the PF and shots, especially the bumper placement. The SSF effect I was going for just isn’t there.

                  I may rethink as a two level game. I’ve wanted to try one of those, with the coal mine under the upper playfield and VUKs that shoot the ball to the upper level.

                  We’ll see. Thanks for following.





                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    Id bet many would like it. Why Not publish actual state if playable? You can change it anyway…Id be interested what youve achieved up to now… :good:

                    Joey Beaulieu

                      I hope you havent givne up on this table, it look svery beautiful. If you are having trouble finishing it, releasing it has a alpha. or wip. is the best way to get others interested in helping you finish it. Its too beautiful to walk away from. great work thus far. Best of luck!

                      The Overlayer Slayer

                      The Overlayer Slayer


                        Good timing. I’ve decided that once O Brother is released, I’m going to pick this back up. I realized that what it was missing was a story, so to speak, to motivate the game play.  The playfield is wide open so it’s basically a bunch of very long shots, so I may make a tweak here and there.. toyed with the idea of Pop Up Bumpers, like the trolls in MM, but bumpers. Hmm…



                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Onevox.



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