Stellar Airship (Geiger 1979) backglass b2s

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  • #158614

      Quick Direct2bs file as I couldn’t find one.

      2 users thanked author for this post.

        I guess you’ve been looking wrong because there are already 2 versions. But thanks – it’s always good to have something to choose from ;)


          @Peter222 Did you want to link the other one so people have the choice? The only one I found (dux’s spreadsheet) was in UV format not B2S.


            OK I found it lurking on VPuniverse. I’ll compare them both in the morning and will mention here if the other version is clearly better!


              homer-thinking-smiley-emoticon   I wish there was another VP web-sight were they made all these back glasses..   I cant believe alot of these are not  made already..

              shit I think i will make another site and just make back glasses…I will call it VPUNIVERSE… what you guys think of that should i do itbeing-confused-smiley-emoticon



                @Wildman It’s clearly important to you that you “own” this backglass so i’ll pull the file. Didn’t notice you made one since it’s not on Dux’s spreadsheet.


                  Dux’s spreadsheet is a great database but b2s are not updated there, so I recommend looking for newer versions on VPU website (or here), there are only few tables for which Wildman wouldn’t do b2s I think ;)


                    @wildman @rpt

                    Surprised when i saw this and release said one “wasn’t” available! I was like that cannot be!

                    Well surely wildman had it :)

                    Thats why i like the link uploads wildman has been doing recently



                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                    for IOS and Android


                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                    for IOS and Android



                      @Wildman It’s clearly important to you that you “own” this backglass so i’ll pull the file. Didn’t notice you made one since it’s not on Dux’s spreadsheet.

                      I dont own nothing lol…. I was just saying you didnt look to hard thats all lol…  no need to take yours down  let the peeps pick there own..all is good more choices man :good:


                        So, it has come to that if it doesn’t exist in the retarded facebook spreadsheet – then it doesn’t exist ? :wacko: B-)

                        That spreadsheet is kind of evil in two ways. If I didn’t care for the community I would use it to leech resources off, automatically, never giving anyone even one like. Hmm. Wasn’t there a guy that made this tool already ??



                          i was going to say the same thing.. no idea what a Dux’s spreadsheet is!

                          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                          for IOS and Android


                          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                          for IOS and Android



                            It’s no big deal and ultimately I of course, wouldn’t have gone to the effort of making the B2S if was aware one existed. Not sure why i didn’t see it on first search (probably because I was at the same time playing D+D).  It was a quick throw together, took maybe an hour or so…


                            I’ll advocate for the spreadsheet however as a valuable resource (just my opinion). Content is pretty scattered around the place and when you are working on something it’s super handy to have the comparison in an nice easy format, where there are multiple variants of a table especially. He links to the download page not the file directly so I would argue that anyone using it to leech without saying thanks has nothing to do with the sheet since they visit the same D/L page as everyone else (and ignored the thanks button).

                            Just my 2c and again, no big deal and no hard feelings towards anyone in this thread! :good:


                              Believe me, I would have no problems coding something automatic from it :)


                                I’m sure a man of your talents could without problems… but maybe some low-life leacher might find that a bit more tricky ;) You would still need to plug into user accounts to access downloads then train selenium to work with each site, or whatever your method.

                                If you want the real talk (since this thread will be be lost to time soon anyway) why would anyone go to that bother when there’s already an annually updated torrent for both VPX and FP hosted on the main emulation private tracker on the net (which i shall not name)?

                                The carrot works better than the stick these days online from what I have seen. On top of that I always feel very uncomfortable attaching any kind of morality to a tool, even if there are more people using it negatively than positively at any given time (which i don’t feel is the case here anyway).

                                … That being said, i’m always going to be “new” compared to some of you guys and I don’t know all the history, so I’m not saying your view is invalid!

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