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      Currently best place for DEV/info is
      Perhaps we can help others in this new area here too!

      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
      for IOS and Android


      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
      for IOS and Android


      1 user thanked author for this post.

        Thank you for setting this up!  After seeing all these vr room tables come out the past few months I am very interested in giving this a try.  I have so many questions and did not know where to look for answers and how to get started with this!

        • what goggles options are there?
        • can I plug the goggles into my existing cab build?
        • will using the goggles with my cab mess up my video settings for my rig?
        • If I have a decent grasp of setting up a cabinet, installing software, using front end from scratch, how difficult is the transition to vr?

        My biggest concern is my cabinet. I am imagining myself wearing the goggles standing at my cab utilizing the buttons and nudge already in there.  The only thing installed on my cab is VPX and Im planning on keeping it that way.  I see that the Oculus Quest with the link cable makes it so you do not need the display port or hdmi port on my graphics card, I was concerned because sometimes my 3 screens reorder if i unplug them.

        Im sure I will think of many more questions but thank you in advance!!!



          Thanks for setting this up RandR!

          There’s a lot of good info on the Facebook “VR Pinball – Virtual Reality Pinball” group as well.



            Think the best possible vr experience would be in front of cab so all things lineup like plunger and lockbar. Then you get all feedback from cab like contractors, shaker or blower.

            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android


            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android



              Think the best possible vr experience would be in front of cab so all things lineup like plunger and lockbar. Then you get all feedback from cab like contractors, shaker or blower.


              That’s exactly what I do with my Rift S.

              I have Future Pinball BAM Open VR setup as it’s own emulator in Popper…but you could always use the alt-launcher option to be able to choose normal or VR when launching the table. I also have whatever changes I need for FP Video settings for VR (and normal FP) changed in the registry in the launch script.

              I simply use Oculus Desktop and I can choose what screens from the cab I see in VR. That looks really cool seeing your Popper screens like that. Since my Popper wheelbar is in my apron screen, it works perfect.

              I can launch the table like normal from Popper, and it launches the FP tables in VR.

              I play them positioned just like the cabinet is. I get full DOF and SSF and it’s perfect.

              I then exit the table back to Popper in VR.

              I never have to take off my headset!

              If I need extra controls,etc or volume adjusted…. I use Popper voice control.

              Since FP can use OpenComposte instead of SteamVR, the whole process is seamless.



              The same can be done with VPVR…but you would need to make sure you have your normal VPX settings saved to a *.reg key or something, and do the same with the VPVR settings. Then setup VPVR in Popper, but you would “reg import” your VPVR settings before launching tables. Do the same for VPX.

              The BIG pain for VPVR is SteamVR (you can’t use OpenComposte)…so you may need to deal with it when closing and reopening tables.

              I haven’t however, setup and tried using VPVR from Popper using Oculus desktop yet… so I can’t comment on how great it does or doesn’t run, or what special things are needed.


              Pinball in the newer headsets with the right amount of SuperSampling, transparent AA, etc really can look amazing.

              I love being to see these tables as they actually are in VR, and being able to look down the playfield for shots,etc.

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