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  • #142233


      An original table based on the Marvel characters U-FOES and The Hulk.

      “The U-Foes are a fictional supervillain team appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. They are usually depicted as enemies of the Hulk. The group consists of four members: Vector, the group’s leader who can repel matter telekinetically; Vapor, who can transform into any form of gaseous matter; X-Ray, who can generate and project radiation and fly; and Ironclad, who has a metallic body and can control his density”

      .The table is ready to use with dB2S, DOF and SSF

      Rule sheet and dB2S backglass is included

      Table design, music, sound effects and script by Rosve

      Special thanks to:

      The Loafer for the wonderful voice over work he did for this table.

      Thalamus for Adjusting/Tuning the SSF sounds and play testing.



        Ah. There it is. I know already that it plays great, just hoping that you found that problem so I can get some modes going. We were lucky in that the weather in Sweden wasn’t up to snuff a you’d come so far on it that you needed to see it through ;-)

        I know already that this is a table I will go back to over and over again, shots feels great, as the music. I hope this is not the last Original we see from you.

        Thank you very much for this table @rosve. :good:


          Wowzaa………..what a great table.  Just played one ball and am loving it already.  My teenage daughter (a marvel freak) will love this.  Thanks for all the work and effort.  It really is a cool table!! :good:


            Thanks for sharing, enjoying the table!


              It’s official……….my teenage daughter (the marvel freak) loves it.  That must mean you’ve designed a great table since she’s very picky when it comes to which tables she’ll actually play.  She’s taken over the mini-cab and I can’t get near it.  Now her younger sister is entering the fray.  I guess I may have to put together another cabinet just for me!!  Again, thanks for the work and design on the table.  The music is great……..it must be good if there’s a pdf of rules with the install files!! They both really like the cheering when you hit that skill-shot  :yes:


                Thanks for making it rosve great game  :good:


                  Beautiful original table.
                  just a quick question, is there any way to put a little DMD on the table?
                  Thanks in advance for your response :good:


                    Beautiful original table.
                    just a quick question, is there any way to put a little DMD on the table?
                    Thanks in advance for your response :good:

                    The easiest way is to start in desktop mode and then adjust your POV to what you like, or copy the FUllscreen pov to Desktop. Then adjust the leddisp reels on the backdrop.


                      I will try to do what you told me … I am unfortunately not very good at adjusting visual pinball. :-(   :-(
                      A big thank you for your quick response  :good: and congratulations for this beautiful table!


                        I have been looking forward to this one, and it did not disappoint! It plays really well and is so much fun. The shots are great and that music!!! I love the music. Outstanding work on a beautiful original. Thank you so much for the hard work you put in and for all you contribute to this hobby. Now if you will excuse me, I need to put a few hours into playing this great table! ;)


                          Very cool release, thanks a lot rosve! :good:

                          Love the soundtrack, it almost blows my subwoover. Or it is just another “Hulk smash!”

                          One question on DOF. The gamename in the script is U-Foe, but there is no table config with this name in DOF config tool. Not sure, what I have to do?


                            Hello Rosve,

                            the table is fantastic but in the backglass do not appears the score, need to change some setting?



                              @adolfo : The scoring should show up in your backglass. You see the display but it is empty or what ? Maybe take a picture to show us how it looks for you. I recommend to install the latest beta of vpx.

                              The Loafer

                                This table is great, and I’m not just saying that because I contributed a couple of sound bites! LOL  Seriously this caters well to the Marvel fan, especially this Hulk fan!  I love the U-Foes, great anti-fantastic four style villains!


                                For the table itself, it’s very reminiscent of the late 80’s pre-dmd style which I believe is the intent.  The modes aren’t too complicated but there are several and it’s not easy to achieve all of them!  As much as I like the playability, one of the biggest kudos we can throw Rosve’s way is the use of original content. I mean, he created from scratch the pop bumpers, the audio bits (excluding the david banner tv series intro, I love that you added this Rosve!). The music is EXCELLENT and I think your polishing of my audio calls really add to the table!  Everything sounds like a qualified audio engineer worked on them!


                                Super fun, thanks again!  For those seeking an alt FOV, try this



                                  @adolfo, if you run the table in DT mode it will only show the scoring on the table backdrop.

                                  if you run in FS mode the scoring will be sent to the b2s backglass.



                                    the table rom name is U-FOES , it’s not in the DOF tool. I just select another table that I don’t have on my cab and use thar to set up the dof. Then manually change that rom name in the downloaded dofcontrol file to U-FOES


                                      Unfortunately the download page has the wrong name. U-FOE should be U-FOES and I don’t know how to correct it. Maybe a moderator could fix this ?


                                        @rosve ah ok, I get it. And which did you select, just, that I get the same result?


                                          Fun original table! Great work rosve!


                                            @vogliadicane I used 2001. But my DOF setup is kind of different and probably will not look good on your cab so you should really set it up for yourself.

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