Viper Night Drivin’ (Sega 1998)

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  • #217768


      was told few posts above that:

      Glowing ball and color of the ball cannot be changed in this release


        Feels like there is a switch or trigger missing in the left “notepad” ramp – if “notepad” and “mancows mystery…” is blinking and you hit the ramp absolutely nothing happens – no points, no other lights changing, no sound, this feels somewhat strange? (but I dont know the real machine)

        In fact, I wasnt able to start/end any of the notepad things except the “drag race”,; seems the ramp only leads to the right instead of to the left to start any of the “notepad” missions, except the “drag race”


          Thanks for a cool table. As others have mentioned the change ball colour in the script doesnt work. I managed to change mine by replacing the glowballgreen.png ball in the table image manager with a copy of a normal ball but still keeping the name “glowballgreen.png”.



            The notepad and mancow mistery are activate by switch 26 that is the gate on top of the right Ramp.

            So your shot must go around the mountain and go down the right ramp to activate them when are lit.


              @goldchicco yes it did go around but it should lead to the left way, no?

              (In fact, I wasnt able to start/end any of the notepad things except the “drag race”,; seems the ramp only leads to the right instead of to the left to start any of the “notepad” missions, except the “drag race”)



                look at this video starting at minute 1:33


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                  Table was intended to having yellow glow balls like the real one.

                  At the moment only way to change the ball is to change the value on line 20, 265 and 270 (value must match).

                  Future update(s) maybe available soon


                    I should have known – its my poor pinball abilities for sure and as always ;-) need to read the rules, too…


                      Happy New Year!

                      My table loads and then migrates to this same Problem/Feature within 5-15 seconds.  The picture is full of these glowing orbs invading the screen.

                      It is interesting that the table will play but it looks terrible in this mode.

                      Looking forward to version 2.0 of the table when the problem is fixed.  Or tell me where to change the script and I will change it up.

                      thank you!




                        Why does everyone keep bitching about changing the balls?  They came that way

                        I have never felt a real ball, @goldchicco, do you know if they were rubber wrapped or plastic wrapped.  I wonder if that had an effect on the physics of the ball

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                        Manolo / ICE

                          Thanks ! Nice table .

                          The mountain makes me think of a movie…Still waiting for the aliens to arrive ;)


                          1 user thanked author for this post.


                            Because they are never happy with what we give them; table was intended to be with glow balls, there is NOWHERE mentioned that ball option(s) can be possible changed in the script, not on the relies tab, not on the installation tab, not on any note about this release, BUT still are going in the script trying to change stuff and post the same comment without reading few lines above that the same question was already answered.

                            According to Pinside the balls are made of steel, here the link:



                              thank you unstopable Goldchicco! :yahoo: now i will wait Maverck table to complete my 90’s favs collection. maybe one day… :good: :bye:

                              1 user thanked author for this post.


                                Maverick will be not from me, but as far as I know it’s on someone else oven baking……


                                  this is from ipdb, looks like a coating on the steel ball.  I have never played one though


                                    I thought the goal is: to get all notepad lights lit. I only get the drag race lit. Sometimes others are just blinking. Even in the video csepregi ivan doesnt get any of the notepad lights lit. Am I missing something? Its too strange if there is a light blinking and you hit the lane and nothing happens…but it seems the rom is that way. A bit disappointing. Nevertheless your simulation plays and looks really really cool!!! (especially with the green glowing balls! ;-)



                                      I never thought to arrive giving private lessons about a pinball machine, Google is the same search engine I used for every table to find rules and rules sheets.

                                      Here are VIPER NIGHT DRIVIN’ RULES:

                                      When the game starts, you have two roll over “skill shots”, an H and a P. You have to pay attention to see which one the ball is going to go down, although half the time on any machine the up post rejects the ball down the orbit instead anyway. If you get the right roll over, you get an extra bonus X.

                                      The shots that the game has are as follows (order always the same unless noted):

                                      Left standup – Rotates between Light Post Save, 2 Miles and 5 Miles.
                                      Left Orbit – Rotates between spell VIPER, 2 Miles and 5 Miles.
                                      Left Ramp – Used to start modes when lit, use Cell Phone (for Mystery) when not.
                                      Left Lock – Locks the ball.
                                      Left Raccoon – A deadly standup.
                                      Center ramp – Stupid easy ramp shot.
                                      Right Raccoon – Same as the left.
                                      Bridge Out Ramp – A little skip into the pops ramp that gives you Caution (250,000), Warning (500,000) and then Bridge Out. Bridge Out changes with how many times you’ve achieved it, I know the first is 1 Million, and somewhere in there is an extra ball.
                                      Right Ramp – 1 Shot Triple Scoring, 5 Miles, 2 Miles – always starts with 2 Miles. Note – 1 Shot Triple Scoring is ONLY for points and does not triple your mileage (one of the few things I wish was different.)
                                      Right Orbit – Like left.
                                      Right Standup – Like left.

                                      There are six modes, when lit, started on the right ramp. They are:

                                      Drag Race – Pound the flipper buttons fast enough to win the race.
                                      Invitational – Hit the orbit to go to different cities and score points.
                                      Hitchhikers – Hit a sequence of shots to score points and potentially light a surprise.
                                      Lights Out – Playfield lights go out, blacklights go on, hit anything with a snake head (all of the shots above except coons and locks) to relight the playfield and score points.
                                      Pedal to the Metal – Come on, you’re only going XX miles an hour, my grandmother drives faster than that! Hit the lit shots to drive faster.
                                      Slash’s Snake Pit – Hit the ramps to advance points, you can’t hit the same ramp twice in a row. Bridge Out does not count as a ramp. Center ramp is only worth 1M. Sides are worth 2M.

                                      There is also a Mancow or something Wizard Mode, never been there.

                                      To relight the modes once played, you need to drive 20 miles. You do that by continually hitting the stand ups or ramps that give you miles until you have enough. It’s harder than it sounds because you can ONLY advance miles when nothing else is running. Advancing miles gives you the miles and 500,000 points. There is a “Miles Driven” champion set at 80. It’s nearly impossible to beat, but fun to play the game just for miles sometimes.

                                      Raccoons are lit with the inlanes, and the opposite side one will jiggle around for a few seconds. If you successfully hit a raccoon after an inlane three times, you will start raccoons. Hit them both three times in 20 seconds (I think) and you get a whopping 1 million points – but you also get an extra ball. No matter what, if you hit a raccoon the center post raises for a second… UNLESS you hit it too fast, in which case for whatever reason the Sega targets do not register, and you get an amazing impossible SDTM drain. Which I think is part of the charm of the game. Hitting the coon’s not dead on is important to you keeping your ball *and* having the shots register. Also, note – this is NORMAL GAMEPLAY with these targets. Weird, but again – I find it charming.

                                      When you light the Center Post, you can raise it by hitting the Ball Launch button. This is often overlooked by people with this game, but is quite important as MANY shots feed SDTM. But, you can prevent them by hitting the side targets before starting modes. If you start modes, they lock you out of the side targets.

                                      Multiball you get by lock one ball in each ball lock. After that, the game will turn on the blacklights, shoot both balls back into play, and shoot two more balls into play. The center post raises for a decent amount of time. Your first goal is to hit the center ramp for 5 Million. This unlocks the two ball locks for 10 million, but if you don’t relock the second ball in time the first gets kicked out. With more than two balls, it’s tough. Collect those, and it opens the left and right ramps for 15 million, which if you successfully hit the center ramp reopens for three 5M jackpots before the sequence restarts with the side locks. If you don’t collect both supers – and it’s tough, you go back to the relock ball challenge, and if I recall right if you hit one Super then only the other is lit when you get back to it.

                                      On Flow – The game is really cool in the way of flow. For instance, if you get it going with Slash’s Snake Pit, you hit the center ramp, feeds left inland for a shot at right ramp, feeds right inlane for a shot at left ramp, feeds right flipper for a shot at center ramp, etc. When you pull this off, it feels AMAZING, but only the center ramp is easy to hit, so comboing it more than once or twice is near impossible. The game’s flow is incredible though, and when you get it going with the settings right (Glo Balls in it, STEEL BALL SETTING ON!!) it’s just stupid fast. Faster than Iron Man fast, easy.

                                      Oh yeah, and the center ramp gives you SNAKE (100,000), RUMBLE (200,000) and ROLL (lights combo), which because it is so silly easy to hit are almost worth nothing. The only thing is that if you get Roll and then hit the right ramp, you light Double Scoring in the left inlane. Roll over that, and you get double scoring for the next 20 seconds. Unlike just about everything else, when double scoring is going on, the game doesn’t tell you, but after about 15 seconds you hear it beeping down and it tells you “DOUBLE SCORING! 7,485,390!” or whatever you got.

                                      A few other random things – When you start most things, everything else locks out. The exception to this is that Raccoons keep running under whatever is going on, although often will no longer be shown on the DMD (a good strategy for ‘coons is to start the mode and then start multiball, and use the 15 seconds with the post save to just shoot them and hopefully earn an extra ball). The Bridge Out ramp does not lock out during multiball, but will not tell you what you’re getting on the DMD (just sound), so except Extra Ball you never know.


                                      The ways to play:

                                      Personally, I find VND has four strategies you can use to play. I sort these into Multiball, Modes, Miles and what I’ll call “Balanced”. Here’s the nutshell:

                                      Multiball – You just care about starting the multiball over and over and doing as well as possible. The problem is that the shots are dangerous, especially after a ball is locked, and the multiball mode is really hard to score highly in. I’d guess my average is around 15M for multiball, and it’s worth a lot more if you can do the sequence in full. This isn’t usually my strategy.

                                      Modes – Modes are worth about 16M when completed, with two exceptions that are worth 10M. Modes are TOUGH to complete, but when the multi is only averaging 15M, if you can tack on 50M in modes, you’re doing something right. Drag Race is the best mode to play because it’s a guaranteed 10M if you can hit the flippers fast enough (actually, a surprisingly good challenge, unlike every other ‘hit the flippers’ video mode I know of) and will return your playfield in a state with everything unlocked.

                                      Miles – Miles are worth 500,000 per shot and something or another in bonus, so shoot the shots to advance your miles over and over and over and over. In doing so, you can make your bonus X like 8X, and you can get surprisingly decent scores like this. Playing like this and getting your Multiball Jackpot to increase to 7M means your next jackpots are 14M and then 21M for Supers, which makes it more lucrative. You need to also AVOID modes so you don’t lock yourself out. Oh, and this gives you shots at both double and triple scoring opportunities too.

                                      Balanced – The goal is to get the ball under control, hit the side targets to light the center post, and then play the modes as you can, using the center post to help save the ball. I will generally try to start the multi once like this, but once you’ve started it once stop shooting for it because the risk outweighs the reward. If you start a mode and you don’t have the center post lit, or you use the center post, you try catching and cradling and timing out the mode. Then immediately relight the center post and continue on.

                                      To me, the genius in VND is that all of these strategies work and are nearly equal in risk / reward. It’s darn near impossible to just catch a ball in the flipper because they are light so they bounce into the slings which are near certain side drains, so timing out modes is super dangerous even, far more than if you try doing it in something else.

                                      I mix up my personal strategy a lot. I find that I have the most success either going for “Balanced” or “Miles” even though the game makes you think that “Multiball” would be the best way to go. I accidentally reset my audits a few months ago when I was doing some work on mine, but according to my machine with the plays since then, average ball time is 45 seconds, game time is 3:15. I have set two high scores, these are the only high scores I have ever set on the machine, they are: 212,373,380 (holy crap game, I think I made a post about it) and 168,273,530. If you set up your game right, good luck matching those.

                                      3 users thanked author for this post.

                                        Thanks, great! WHat do I do with the “pin2dmd.pal” file?



                                          It’s a 4 colors palette for your DMD if you are running freezydmd.

                                          But seems like you are not familiar with freezydmd, so disregards the pin2dmd.pal.

                                          It’s not going to affect the table, those files are only for show some colors on the DMD

                                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                                            Oh, I remember. Haven’t used it quit a time. Put the folder with the same Name as the Rom in the altcolour folder?

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