VR Room Dirty Harry Minimal (Williams 1995)

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  • #186849


      This is a minimal VR Room for Flupper’s shiny mod 2.0 of Knorr’s awesome recreation of Dirty Harry.  The table is largely unchanged, apart from tweaking the material for the magnum gun – the reflections of the metallic gun looked terrible in VR.  GI halo heights were also lowered.

      I opted against a gun plunger until I can find a low poly version (this is a “minimal” table after all).  There is also a minor hitch on the middle ramp when the ball is travelling slowly that I’d like to adjust when time permits.

      Huge thanks to Sixtoe for his amazing minimal VR Room template.  He also spent lots of time with feedback and suggestions, and helping me understand how materials work in VPX.  His minimal rooms are so awesome!

      Ben Logan2

        Thank you TinyBlackDog, Sixtoe, Flupper and especially Knorr! Love this one. Plays and looks great in minimal room.


          Thank you TinyBlackDog, Sixtoe, Flupper and especially Knorr! Love this one. Plays and looks great in minimal room.

          Thanks, Ben.  This is a really fun table that I’m not sure I’ve ever played in real life – maybe once at a pinball show.  The Bowen Kerens tutorial video turned me on to playing it in VPX and in VR it really shines.  That feed out of the pops is evil.

          Rajo Joey

            Hi, am I the only one with this very high side panels? I don’t change settings in the table.



              That is really odd – I’ve never seen anything like that before, and nobody has reported that either.  What headset are you using and do you have the latest VPX version?  This is the most recent experimental version that Rawnei posted a few days ago:


              Are you seeing anything strange on other tables?

              You could also try the original VPX table that this room is based on and see if you see anything strange there, like the side panels being stretched as you have in your picture.


              1 user thanked author for this post.

                I’ve tried everything I can think of to try and replicate this and I can’t, so I’m afraid I can’t really help :(

                Rajo Joey

                  I don’t know, why you haven’t that problem. I download all versions again (Flupper 2.0 Mod, Knorr 2.0, VR-Room). I test it also with the experimental VR-Version.

                  And in all three tables the side panels are much to high in VR. I find out that the problem are the Primitive 2 and Primitve 3 on layer 5. Both have the uvmeshartwork2.

                  Maybe you have change the table in former times? I use a Valve Index.

                  What are your settings for both primives?

                  Primitive 2     Primitive 3

                  Rajo Joey

                    It must be a different problem, because I find two other tables. South Park has also these extrem high siderails. And in Judge Dredd the complete table is stretched in hight.

                    All others 70 tables are working well.

                    I’m on the latest vpx 10.6 version and use VR-version from the 15.06. No change using the experimental version.


                      I would suggest making a post on the VR Pinball Facebook group – perhaps somebody else has run into this.  Are your VR settings all default?  Perhaps post a screenshot of what they are (mine is attached).  In particular I’m curious what you have set for the scaling parameters in the Table Setup area.  I have “Scale table to width” unchecked and “Scaling” set to 1.0.

                      Screen Shot 2020-06-22 at 11.06.41 AM

                      Rajo Joey

                        Yes, I posted it in the FB-group with videos of the 3 tables. Maybe someone know a solution.

                        Here are the videos.

                        Dirty Harry: https://youtu.be/qRxb0ymQ2iA

                        South Park: https://youtu.be/F9y7r7UyLM0

                        Magical. The sidepanels disappear, when you look from outside of the cabinet. ?

                        Judge Dredd: https://youtu.be/v39mGWBnmqo

                        Complete stretched table in height.








                          Magical. The sidepanels disappear, when you look from outside of the cabinet. ?


                          Game engines do not render both sides of faces/polygons.  So if the polygons are single sided, as in flat with no back, only one side will render.




                            Rajo Joey..   You need to UNCHECK  “Always use FS backdrop settings” in your main VPX video settings.   The script is calling for larger side panels in FS mode.

                            Rajo Joey

                              Rajo Joey.. You need to UNCHECK “Always use FS backdrop settings” in your main VPX video settings. The script is calling for larger side panels in FS mode.

                              Thanks, that does the trick.  :good:

                              But now I have always change the setting, when I play the normal VPX-tables?

                              If I enable Test Desktop, it will also work, but the setting isn’t save after closing the table. So that doesn’t help sadly.

                              I have to stay for “Always use FS backdrop settings” and change again, when playing other tables.


                                It seems that “Always use FS Backdrop Settings” is an option that people use when they share a cabinet for VR and non-VR.  I’ll need to test with that option and make script adjustments to deal with it.

                                For now that is what you’ll need to do, but I will fix this table and upload when I get a chance.  You may run into this problem from time to time, like you did with South Park.  This is not a normal setting for people that have VR-only systems.


                                Rajo Joey

                                  It seems that “Always use FS Backdrop Settings” is an option that people use when they share a cabinet for VR and non-VR. I’ll need to test with that option and make script adjustments to deal with it.

                                  For now that is what you’ll need to do, but I will fix this table and upload when I get a chance. You may run into this problem from time to time, like you did with South Park. This is not a normal setting for people that have VR-only systems.

                                  Thanks for changing your table to this setting. Also the tables of @Sixtoe has such settings.

                                  Again thanks for your work. The table plays wonderful. :good: :yahoo:


                                    I’ve fixed the table and updated it to v1.1.  This should work the same in either mode now Rajo Joey.

                                    As a small bonus, I’ve swapped out the launch button with a gun launcher – looks much nicer.  Enjoy!

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