[?ROM?] variable – pinup 1.4

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  • #119445


      I like to use the [?ROM?] variable for launch and close script of vpx files.


      START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe" 10 10 60
      cd "[DIREMU]"

      if "[ALTMODE]"=="video" (
      move "[DIRGAME]\[GAMENAME].directb2s" "[DIRGAME]\[GAMENAME].directb2s.orig" /Y
      timeout /T 1
      IF EXIST "D:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\[?ROM?].video\screens.pup" (
      move "D:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\[?ROM?]" "D:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\[?ROM?]-novideo"
      timeout /T 1
      move "D:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\[?ROM?].video" "D:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\[?ROM?]"
      timeout /T 1

      START /min "" vpinballx.exe "[DIREMU]" -play "[GAMEFULLNAME]"


      if "[ALTMODE]"=="video" (
      move "[DIRGAME]\[GAMENAME].directb2s" "[DIRGAME]\[GAMENAME].directb2s.orig" /Y
      timeout /T 1
      IF EXIST "D:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\[?ROM?]\screens.pup" (
      move ""D:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\[?ROM?]" "D:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\[?ROM?].video" /Y
      timeout /T 1
      move "D:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\[?ROM?].novideo" "D:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\[?ROM?]" /Y
      timeout /T 1

      I’ve checked the curclose and curlauch scripts but the [?ROM?] field stays empty.

      Any ideas?


        do you have the ROM field set to the rom on the game you’re running in Popper Games Manager?

        also, i’ve updated a few documents on what you’re trying to do if you want to try another method:




          If I am running from editor and I exit table but doing script adjustments I would close off pak in toolbar before 1.4 from option menu to keep editing table without saving and without reloading vp. Now when I do this I get the pointer error. Nothing to do with frontends. I actually came up with a great way to solve that by moving pup plugin folder on start and exit of tables so that’s all working perfect

          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android




            If I am running from editor and I exit table but doing script adjustments I would close off pak in toolbar before 1.4 from option menu to keep editing table without saving and without reloading vp. Now when I do this I get the pointer error. Nothing to do with frontends. I actually came up with a great way to solve that by moving pup plugin folder on start and exit of tables so that’s all working perfect

            it is ‘normal’/bug/issue that once you load a game in vpx editor and exit game…. that vpinmame/freezy dlls are NOT unloaded, so that is what keeps the pup connection still open while back in editor.  you can’t ‘kill/close’ manually as that will leave things unstable in pup.

            one thing you could do.  when working with a table a lot.  keep on vpx editor open for editing and saving..>BUT don’t run the game in taht editor.  make a desktop shortcut that launches that vpx directly to test your changes…and close that vpx direct launch when done ‘playing’.


            btw:  i think you meant to post your response in a different thread :)




              the game you’re running in Popper Games Manager?

              I was not aware of the ROM field…

              By the way… Does’nt it make sense to “disable” the b2s-file while using the puppack?


              Thank you!

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