DOFLinx Guide by TerryRed

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      Since my Future Pinball Mega Guide was getting so….MEGA… I decided to move this DOFLinx portion to a separate post.



      Created By DDH69

      Guide By TerryRed

      DOFLinx is very feature rich and has support for:

      • Future Pinball
      • Pinball FX3
      • DOF (supports most but not all DOF hardware controllers)
      • Pinup Player (does not support more advanced features like PUPDMD and PUP SSF Ball Rolling)

      It is a program that runs in the background (sleeps) and waits to detect that Future Pinball has been run. Once FP is detected DOFLinx has two modes of operation for DOF support for Future Pinball. FP LINK and “Key to Output”

      FP LINK

      • once FP is detected, DOFLinx will wake up and listen for a specific FP LINK message
      • if the table is DOFLinx modded, after it starts, it will send a FP LINK message to DOFLinx
      • once the link is established, then any DOFLinx commands sent by the table will be translated by DOFLinx to trigger DOF commands
      • when the table exits and FP closes completely, the link is disconnected, and DOFLinx goes back to sleep
      • DOFLinx can trigger DOF directly for normal DOF but not MX Leds, or it can support all DOF toys through DOF Config files and DOF Config Tool
      • there are a good number of older FP tables that have DOFLinx support

      Key to Output

      • this is DOFLinx’s native function that can work with any program
      • this mode uses a key (or gamepad button) to control a DOF device output
      • once FP is detected, DOFLinx will wake up and try to create a FP LINK with the table
      • if the FP table does not have DOFLinx support, then DOFLinx falls back to Key to Output mode
      • DOFLinx uses the configuration it has in DOFLinx.ini for the Key to Output functions and more
      • so for any FP table, you can have basic flipper only solenoid feedback and basic lighting
      • when the table exits and FP closes completely, DOFLinx goes back to sleep

      DOFLinx should always be left alone to run in the background.

      If you are using a PinEvent table, then DOFLinx needs to be paused or closed.

      (so you don’t have both PinEvent and DOFLinx triggereig DOF at the same time, More information can be found in the PinEvent Install Instructions)


      DOFLinx Install:

      • install DOFLinx in the DirectOutput folder. This will allow DOFLinx to see DOFLinx.ini automatically
      • copy the DOFLinx.vbs file to the “Future Pinball \ Scripts” folder
      • copy one of the example DOFLinx.ini files to the same folder as DOFLinx. Configure the DOFLinx.ini for your cabinet’s setup! (consult the DOFLinx guide for more info)
      • unblock ALL *.exe and *.DLL files within the DirectOutput folder or wherever you installed DOFLinx
      • DOFLinx.exe should not normally need to be to “Run as Administrator”, but it it doesn’t work… then try doing that (only if absolutely needed)
      • have DOFLinx always running in the background with the startup of Windows
      • I HIGHLY recommend that you do this as it’s how DOFLinx was designed to run, and it will save you a lot of headaches. You have been warned!


      DOFLinx forum:

      Future Pinball DOFLinx Tables:



      Virtual Pinball “Software” Essentials – DOFLinx

      This video has A LOT of content, but I cover the entire spectrum to give you all the basics so you understand almost everything about DOFLinx and how it works.

      You will have DOFLinx ready to be used with Future Pinball, Pinball FX3, PuP-SSF and PuP-Packs the right way… the FIRST time!


      Dramatic Intro – 0:00
      Title – 1:25
      DOFLinx Backstory – 2:39
      Software Requirements for DOFLinx – 15:26
      Install DOFLinx – 17:02
      DOFLinx.vbs for Future Pinball – 17:56
      directoutputconfig.ini for DOF – 18:38
      GlobalConfig_b2SServer.xml for DOF – 19:33

      DOFLinx.ini SETUP for:  22:10
      – Desktop users (only use PuP-Packs)
      – Cabinet users with no DOF hardware, no SSF (only use PuP-Packs)
      – Cabinet users with MX Leds or SSF, but NO other DOF hardware  (also use PuP-Packs)

      DOFLinx.ini SETUP for:   35:04
      – Cabinet users with standard DOF hardware such as solenoids, shaker, fan, gear, chimes, bells, beacon, strobes, led buttons, flashers, etc (can also include MX Leds, SSF, and PuP-Packs)

      DOF Config Tool for MX Led table config updates – 1:01:29
      How to use DOFLinx – 1:02:44
      Future Pinball DOFLinx demo – 1:07:43
      Pinball FX3 DOFLinx Demo – 1:11:59
      Other Emulators and Games with DOFLinx – 1:20:01
      SUP (Supplementary) *.ini files – 1:20:43
      DOFLinx Forums – 1:23:30



      Pinup System Install Guide Wiki:

      VPX All in One Installer:

      • install the VPX all in one installer. (10.5 or higher) This will Install the B2S server and all needed files
      • yes it installs Visual Pinball X too, but you don’t have to use it (but there are amazing tables for it too)

      DOF R3++




      DOFLinx.ini  :

      (This is updated as of version 6.0)

      Sections of interest (in the DOFLinx.ini file) for Future Pinball tables modded to work with full cabinet support.  (Consult the DOFLinx guide to configure your entire DOFLinx.ini file! Not just these sections)


      – add this “FP_LINK_WAIT_TIME=80000” if it’s not there. This is the max time DOFLinx tries to establish a link (FP Link) with your FP DOFLinx modded table, before it defaults to its “key to output” type function. You change the time to a higher value if your computer takes longer to load some tables.


      -this is needed if you want DOFLinx to attempt to establish the FP Link with FP DOFLinx modded tables

      Cabinet Toys:

      The following is your cabinet toys setup. Anything with a  #   in front of it will be ignored. Make sure you put a   #   in front of any device you don’t have in your cabinet. (I don’t have a shaker or gear motor)

      Consult the DOFLinx guide for more info on how to configure this section.

      These entries deal with FX2 and FX3 as well as B2S Server. Adjust folder locations to your specific installation.

      PATH_B2S_SERVER=c:\Visual Pinball\Tables\

      These entries are needed as well, and deal with DOF as well as addressable leds.


      These are the solenoids for flippers, bumpers, etc. Make sure they are configured for your particular setup, device, ports, etc.


      This is the blower fan, shaker, and gear motor. (Note, I don’t have a gear motor)


      Strobes and Beacon


      Start, Launch, Fire button (you can add coin, exit, etc)


      RGB Flashers. These are configured with the Red port of each RGB flasher.


      This section deals with RGB_OUTPUT devices. As far as Future Pinball DOFLinx modded tables are concerned, this is the RGB under cabinet lighting. Note: if you have any RGB_OUTPUT device configured the same as a RGB flasher, then the RGB flasher will be used when a FP DOFLinx modded table is launched!


      -RGB_STYLE, RGB_TRIGGER, RGB_MIN_TIME all effect the RGB_OUTPUT….but for FP DOFLinx modded tables this will only have any effect if the table modder chose to use these features.


      This doesn’t cover the other sections of the DOFLinx.ini,  or all the other numerous features that DOFLinx has…. but it should help to answer A LOT of the questions I get.




      USAGE OF DOFLinx and Tables:

      • DOFLinx should always be running in the background
      • when you launch Future Pinball, it “wakes” DOFLinx which will try to establish a Link with the FP table
      • If the table has DOFLinx support added… after the table has completely loaded and starts, the FP Link will be established
      • It can take up to 20 seconds to establish a link on some tables. So don’t start the table until you know the link is good and you have DOF feedback and lighting
      • After you exit the table and FP is completely closed, then DOFLinx closes the link and goes back to sleep.


      7 users thanked author for this post.

        Great guide!


          Is it normal for fp tables to enable the shaker when hitting the flipper buttons after the link is enabled?

          I do not have solenoids only a shaker?

          currently doing this for all FP ultimate pro tables.




            Not normal at all. Ultimate Pro tables don’t have DOFLinx support…


            …. so it’s something in your DOFLinx.ini configured wrong. You may be triggering your shaker’s port with KeyToOuput commands, etc.


              Ok figured it out, the guy that built the cab put shaker on output 1 of pinscape instead of 12. I just remarked out the default solenoid functions in the ini until I get my flipper solenoids in.

              ######## DEVICES and PORTS for FUTURE PINBALL and FX3 ########

              # LINK_XX=D##,Default Time,Max Time,Intensity Level

              # Intensity Level should normally be left at 255 (max). Only PWM outputs used with something like a Shaker Motor can be less than 255.

              # Device and Ports for the 10 solenoid setup for Flippers, Slingshots, Middle 3 solenoids, Back 3 Solenoids.


              # Device and Ports for the shaker, gear motor, knocker, beacon and strobe


              # Device and Ports for the lights inside the various buttons including Start, Extra Ball, Coin, Exit, Launch Ball and Fire


              # Device and “RED” ports for the 5 RGB flashers.


              JOY_PORT = 1
              JOY_X_OFFSET = 32727
              JOY_Y_OFFSET = 32727


              ######## DOFLINX DEFAULT and FALLBACK FUNCTIONS ########

              # These are the default and “fallback” type of functions that are used when DOFLinx is made active, but no link to Future Pinball or FX3 is established.

              # Turn on Button lights when DOFLinx is activated (such as EXIT button)


              # Set the key code for the keys being used as Left and Right flippers
              # Used for the default fall back if a full link cannot be established with FX3 or Future Pinball
              # Left Shift = A0, Right Shift = A1


              # The device and port for the left and right flippers.





                Thanks Terry

                DOF works great on vpx but keep getting this for fx3.




                  I have beacons but no strobe. If I assign beacon to my beacons, and strobe to my beacons, will that be ok? What if there’s an instance where a game has both beacons and strobe effects play simultaneously? Will it mess up or overheat my beacons? or will an error come up since its triggering the same relay simultaneously??

                  Also, my beacon trigger just needs to be set to ON, and not FLASH, for it to function (since its a real beacon). If I want it to act like a strobe, will the FLASH function make it look like a strobe?

                  Also, last question: if the above is acceptable, how would I test my beacon as a strobe? Is there a table that you know of that uses strobes alot?


                  Thank you for all your work in this community!! This is my new favorite/ addicting hobby!


                    Hi Terry,

                    Thanks for the guide. I followed everything and got DOFLinx/SSF to work for my FX3 tables. At least when launch the tables from FX3 itself. However, I’m having an issue getting SSF to work when I launch FX3 tables through PinupPopper. There is no SSF sound coming from the table. Wondering if you experienced something like that before.




                      Terry these tutorials are excellent! DOFLinx is all set up and running great. One thing I can’t get to work is the fallback function for my flippers for tables that don’t support DOFLinx. I have it configured correctly in the ini and the flipper solenoids function correctly if I’m not running a table, but as soon as I launch a table they stop responding. I noticed a similar problem previously with my shifted volume up/down buttons, they would work to raise/lower the volume with VP, FX3, etc but as soon as a launch a FP table they stop working. I’m using a Pinscape controller, seems to be some kind of conflict between FP and the Pinscape.


                      EDIT: figured it out! I hadn’t enabled the Pinscape in the FP options.

                      • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Yardley.

                        in the video you said twice to run doflinx as admin but in the guide it says no.  can you clarify.  I got FP to work but only after i double clicked on the doflinx.exe.  do i need to set that to run at startup or should it come on when FP is selected.  I also dont have fx3 working with doflinx so thats the next hurdle @terryred, thanks


                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Tom.
                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Tom.

                          “Admin” used to be a requirement for DOFLinx (when the video was made).

                          It “shouldn’t” be a requirement anymore for it to work…. BUT may need to be run as admin depending on your system and what you have FP set to etc. If it works without, then no worries.


                          Only DOFLinx enabled FP tables will have full DOF support for DOFLinx.


                          DOFLinx is meant to just be running in the background… but you can start it before running FP table and close it afterward,etc… but you may need to add timeout in your front end to accommodate that.


                          Also.. you DON’T want DOFLinx running while using a PinEvent table as you don’t want DOFLinx and the PinEvent table trying to access DOF at the same time (which will cause problems). You can always close DOFLinx before launching a PinEvent table, and reopen it again after exiting a PinEvent table in your front end launch / close script.




                            @terryred, the next day when I fired up my cab doflinx flashed on my MX lights and everything is working now.  Thanks.  So ultimate tables don’t use doflinx?  Do they have any kind of dof ?

                            another question, I fired up tron and I have a basketball ball, lol. Why is that


                              Only DOFLinx modded tables will have DOF from DOFLinx. They are here:


                              A basketball? Where? On the table? Which Tron table?


                                slamtilts ultimate avatar.  the ball has a basketball logo for me


                                  slamtilts ultimate avatar. the ball has a basketball logo for me

                                  You must have hit either the N or P key, because that is what will change the ball texture during gameplay, and the ball you last had it set to is kept the next time a table runs.

                                  Just press N or P until you see the default ball again.


                                    fixed it, thanks @terryred.  the only thing i have left to do is setup future dmd.  a im having a hell of a time, its not triggering.  is that the most current program to get a dmd on the 3rd screen and does that work on doflinx and ultimate tables?



                                      fixed it, thanks @terryred. the only thing i have left to do is setup future dmd. a im having a hell of a time, its not triggering. is that the most current program to get a dmd on the 3rd screen and does that work on doflinx and ultimate tables?

                                      What folder did you put the futuredmd files in ?
                                      It work with FP tables that Have A dmd
                                      More info in the PDF file that comes with futuredmd


                                        I tried them in future pinball folder and then bam folder.  I ran as admin and then double clicked the exe and moved and resized then closed.  Doesn’t pop up


                                          I tried them in future pinball folder and then bam folder. I ran as admin and then double clicked the exe and moved and resized then closed. Doesn’t pop up

                                          If you are trying to get it working outside of a front end then you have to start it and leave it run in the background
                                          They go in future pinball folder
                                          No need to run as admin
                                          Go into the FutureDMD.ini reset these settings,  This will get back to the playfield
                                          Then restart FutureDMD and move it to the right screen
                                          Then resize and pick the right screen number

                                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                                            Also, as a heads up… there is a new version of FutureDMD being worked on (by a different author) that is in beta testing right now.

                                            This is a HUGE update with a crap load of features. It’s honestly a totally different program as very impressive with all the options / rendering / settings / per table options it has.

                                            Link to this thread is here. He’s already got many updates and features added since the last beta. He is active in the FutureDMD section on the Virtual Pinball Discord Chat Discord group where he shares more updated betas.


                                            • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by TerryRed.
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